金平现任中央音乐学院中国现代电子音乐中心教授,美国纽约州立大学 (SUNY New Paltz)终身教授,音乐理论与作曲学科主任。
金平曾任美国新音乐协会主席, 美国 Davenport 管弦乐作品比赛评委主席、Brian M.Israel 作曲比赛评委、俄亥俄州艺术委员会音乐评委。委约金平创作的音乐团体包括辛辛那提交响乐团、宾夕法尼亚音乐学院室内乐团、Newstead三重奏团、及 Hudson Valley 青年管弦乐团等。其六重奏获纽约艺术委员会 (NYSCA)颁发的个人项目最高奖。金平创作的计算机互动舞蹈"大唐舞韵"入选在美国举办的世界顶极的SIGGRAPH2007艺术展。
金平毕业于中央音乐学院作曲系,师从叶小钢、杜鸣心。1987年获中国首次艺术歌曲创作比赛一等奖。1990年赴美留学,师从著名作曲家 Joel Hoffman 和 Samuel Adler,并获希腊丘兹大学硕士及辛辛那提音乐学院博士学位。
Jin Ping Jin Ping is currently a music professor at Center for Electronic Music of China of CCOM, He is also on the faculty of the State University of New York at New Paltz.Jin Ping is a composer whose music integrates Western and Eastern aesthetics. His compositions have been performed in China, Europe,Mexico, and throughout the United States by groups such as the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, Cincinnati Pop Orchestra, EarPlay, the Society for New Music, and the Newstead Trio. He is the recipient of the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) award for his chamber music work Yangtze! Yangtze!. Ping Jin Ping's computer interactive dance, The Rhyme of the Tang Dynasty, received its US premiere at SIGGRAPH 2007 in San Diego, California. His music has been released on Prince Production and Innova labels。