

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年05月18日12:17  新浪音乐



  从1982年开始,凯佳-萨利雅赫一直在芬兰首都赫尔辛基,弗赖堡和巴黎学习作曲。 她在"音乐与音响协调研究所"(IRCAM) 的学习和研究对她的音乐产生了重大影响。从90年代中期以后,她的作品转向更宏大的规模和曲式结构,如歌剧《远方的爱》,在2000年由纽约爱乐乐团演出 。 她的第二部歌剧《阿德里安娜》,2006年在巴黎国家歌剧院演出。   



  Kaija SaariahoKaija Saariaho studied composition in Helsinki, Freiburg and Paris, where she has lived since 1982. Her studies and research at IRCAM have had a major influence on her music and her characteristically luxuriant and mysterious textures are often created by combining live music and electronics. Although much of her catalogue comprises chamber works, from the mid-nineties she has turned increasingly to larger forces and broader structures, such as the opera L'amour de loin and Oltra mar for chorus and orchestra, Her second opera, Adriana Mater, was commissioned for the Opéra National de Paris' 2006 season. She has won the Prix Italia and, in 1989, the Prix Ars Electronica; received commissions from Lincoln Center for the Kronos Quartet and from IRCAM for the Ensemble Intercontemporain; and has been the subject of a pan-European collaborative project to produce a CD-ROM Prisma about her work.In 2000 she won the Nordic Council Music Prize for the work Lonh for soprano and electronics.She was awarded the title Musician of the Year 2008 (announced by Musical America, the US publishing company for performing arts), for being "among the few contemporary composers to achieve public acclaim as well as universal critical respect"。

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