

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年05月18日12:20  新浪音乐


  1949年生于日本,先后师从Sesshu Kai教授(东京)和isang Yun教授(柏林)学习作曲。他曾在多个高校及艺术机构进行电子音乐创作,包括柏林科技大学电子音乐工作室、巴黎IRCAM、巴黎Les Ateliers音乐中心、以及巴黎INA-GRM。现任Fukushima大学教授。所组织和参与的活动包括:“机器的即兴”系列音乐会(88-89年 东京)、Fuzzy Diagonals (94-2001年 东京)、“作曲地带”(94香港)、“电子媒体之声”为德日作曲家(95年东京、2003年德国)、德累斯顿音乐界(2005德国)、波兰室内乐音乐节(2006 波兰)

  Takehito SHIMAZUWas, born in 1949, Japan. He studied composition with Prof. Sesshu Kai (in Tokyo), with Prof. Isang Yun (in Berlin) and others. He produced electronic and computer music at the electronic studio of the Technical University of Berlin (TU-Studio Berlin), at IRCAM in Paris, at Les Ateliers UPIC/Paris (now Xenakis Music Center) and INA-GRM in Paris. Now he is the professor of Fukushima University in Japan.Organized: a concert series " MACHINERY IMPROVISATION " in Tokyo (88,89), " Fuzzy Diagonals " in Tokyo(94, 2001), a self-portrait, a private exhibition, ' Realm of Compositions , Takehito SHIMAZU ' in Hong Kong(94), Dresden/Germany at the Dresden Music Fest. (2005 plan), Chamber Music festival in Wroclaw/Poland(2006) and others.Prizes: Jürgen-Ponto Composition Competition/Germany(79), The International Wieniawski Composition Competition/Poland(80), The Special Prize of Japanese Culture Ministry for Theater Arts/Japan(88), The International Experimental Music Composition Competition in Bourge/France(96).The music committee chairman of ICMC'93 Tokyo

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