5月22日 14:00 中央音乐学院演奏厅
14:00, May 22, 2009 Recital Hall of Central Conservatory of Music
罗伯特·比瑟,美国著名作曲家,美国纽约茱莉亚音乐学院教授、作曲系系主任。1954年生于美国马萨诸塞州波士顿市,曾在耶鲁大学学习文学、政治学和音乐。1976年,获得“美国大学优等生荣誉学会”授予毕业优等生奖,并继续深造,后相继获得耶鲁大学音乐硕士、博士学位。曾师从众多知名作曲家:雅克布·德鲁克曼, 厄尔·布朗、武满彻、阿诺德·凯蒂, 耶胡帝·怀纳和高菲多·佩特拉希。曾与奥托·沃纳·穆勒和威廉·斯汀伯格在耶鲁一起学习指挥,并于1976年与贝琪·乔纳斯在坦格乌德的克罗夫茨社团学习作曲。从1978年到1990年,他在纽约曼哈顿著名的多文化研究中心(全称“92街希伯来男女协会”)首演了超过200部作品,并担任“音乐元素”现代室内乐合唱团的音乐总监和指挥。从1988年到1993年,担任美国卡内基音乐大厅管弦乐队的驻团作曲家,直到2001年辞职前他还兼任该管弦乐团的艺术指导。1993年起,成为美国纽约茱莉亚音乐学院教授、作曲系系主任。
Born in Boston, Massachusetts, Beaser studied literature, political philosophy and music at Yale College, graduating summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa in 1976. He went on to earn his Master of Music, M.M.A. and Doctor of Musical Arts degrees from the Yale School of Music. His principal composition teachers have included Jacob Druckman, Earle Brown, Toru Takemitsu, Arnold Franchetti, Yehudi Wyner and Goffredo Petrassi. In addition, he studied conducting with Otto-Werner Mueller, and William Steinberg at Yale, and composition with Betsy Jolas on a Crofts Fellowship at Tanglewood in 1976. From 1978–1990 he served as co-Music Director and Conductor of the innovative contemporary chamber ensemble Musical Elements at the 92nd Street Y, bringing premieres of over two hundred works to Manhattan. From 1988–1993 he was the Meet the Composer/Composer-in-Residence with the American Composers Orchestra at Carnegie Hall, and has served as the ACO’s artistic director until January 2001, when he assumed the role of Artistic Director. Since 1993, he has been Professor and Chairman of the Composition Department at the Juilliard School in New York。