

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年05月19日20:30  新浪娱乐


  5月21日 19:30


  19:30,May 21, 2008

  Beijing Concert Hall

  1。《怀沙》/ Huai Sha(1999)

  为十一位演奏家而作的室内乐 (中国首演)

  Chamber Music for 11 Performers (China premiere)

  2。《唤起记忆的声响 Ⅱ》/Sounds , arousing the memories II(2008)


  For Guitar,Zheng, Clarinet,Sheng,Violoncello and 2 Percussions (China premiere)

  3。《太阳的影子Ⅶ》/ The Sun Shadow Ⅶ (2005)


  For 6 Strings

  中场休息(Half-time Rest)

  4。《涣》/ Pipa Words(2006)  


  5。《太阳的影子Ⅲ》/The Sun Shadow Ⅲ(1999/2000)


  For Harp, Violoncello and Percussion     (China premiere)

  6。《地平线上的五首歌》/ Five Songs on the Horizon(2005)


  For Violoncello,accordion and 15 Strings       



  1987年考入上海音乐学院作曲系,师从朱践耳、许舒亚等先生。1998—2001年获德国学术交流中心的资助、由中央音乐学院公派赴德国跟随国际著名的作曲家 Nic.A.Huber 教授学习。现为中央音乐学院作曲教授。


  近年来,秦文琛接受了包括柏林交响乐团、德国巴伐利亚广播电台、波恩贝多芬国际音乐节等众多国际音乐机构的委托创作。70多个国内外知名乐团在世界范围广泛上演他的作品,其中包括德国Recherche现代乐团、法国L'Ensemble Itineraire、意大利Antidogma欧洲室内乐团、日本东京都交响乐团、德国卡塞尔歌剧院管弦乐团、荷兰新乐团、斯图加特室内乐团、奥地利的Ensemble on Line、瑞士凤凰室内乐团、上海交响乐团、北京交响乐团等等。很多重要的国际音乐机构,如德国北部电台(NDR)、德国西部电台(WDR)、法国国家电台(Radio France)、瑞士电台、柏林电台(RBB)、德国巴伐利亚广播电台(BR)、德国之声电台(Deutsche Welle)、奥地利国家电台以及大量国际音乐节都安排了秦文琛的作品上演。

  秦文琛是国际著名的音乐出版公司 Sikorski Musik Verlag 的签约作曲家, 该公司出版、代理他的作品并向国际宣传推广。

  Mr. Qin Wenchen was born in Erdos of Inner Mongolia and began studying Chinese folk music at the age of 9。

  Qin entered the Composition Department of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music (SCOM) in 1987 to study music composition with musical educators including Zhu Jian-er and Xu Shuya. He has been teaching at the Composition Department of the Central Conservatory of Music (CCOM) since he graduated from the SCOM in 1992. Dispatched by CCOM and sponsored by Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) or German Academic Exchange Service, Qin went to Germany in 1998 to continue his education with Professor Nicholas. A. Huber, a world famous composer. In 2001, he received his diploma in music composition - the top level in Germany - from Folkwang Hochschule Essen。

  Qin Wenchen is recognized as one of the most prominent composers among the young generation in China. He is very talented, promising, and creates compositions that influence the music world.  

  For more than a decade, Qin has been writing commissioned works for many music organizations over the world. His works are widely presented in many countries by more than seventy well-known music ensembles including the German Ensemble Recherche, French L'Ensemble Itineraire, Symphony Orchestra Berlin, Italian Ensemble Europa Antidogma, Japanese Tokyo City Symphony Orchestra, German Kassel Stadt Theater Orchestra, Nieuw Ensemble Holland, Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, Austrian Ensemble on Line, Swiss Phoenix Ensemble Orchestra, and Chinese Shanghai Symphony Orchestra and Beijing Symphony Orchestra. The performances are disseminated through public media including Northern Deutch Radio (NDR), West Deutch Radio (WDR), Radio France, Swiss Radio, Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB), the Centre National d'Art et de Culture Georges Pompidou, German Bayerischer Rundfunk, ORF-Radio and Deutsche Welle. His works were also performed at a number of music festivals including the Torino Biennale Arte Emergente in Italy, the Munich Musica Viva, the Beijing-Tokyo Contemporary Music Festival, the Bonn International Beethoven Festival, the ISCM International Music Festival, the Dutch Music Festival, the Asia-Pacific Music Festival and the Maerz Musik Festival.In 2005, Qin signed an agency agreement with Sikorski, a well-known music publisher, to have all his works produced, published and distributed in different countries by the publisher。

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