Sound is the way to make communication not only between human beings and the nature but also the world and the nation。
2009年的时空 伴随着科技文明的发展与进步
With the development and advancement of technological civilization in 2009,
Electronic music is becoming an important tendency to permeate into every field in social society with its charming and interactive position。
“中国”寓意着2009年中国电子音乐以其强烈的时代灵感和民族风情, 为全球热爱音乐的人们呈现创意唯美的音乐感受
“China” means the spirit of times and national characters in 2009, and spreads the beautiful and creative sense of music to the music-lovers in all over the world。
This is the festival of Chinese electronic music in 2009。
We survive in the global village with generation and generations。
The tide of globalization is changing the traditional way of human beings’ life。
Sharing and inheriting our culture is coming true with modern technologies。
Everyone living in the global village needs effective interaction and communication。
In 2009, we will walk on the road of music, make good culture and spirit communication。