
Us3携《stop. think. run》登陆愚公移山

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年09月03日10:01  新浪娱乐


  Us3的主导者是以伦敦为基地的制作人Geoff Wilkinson,他和一个由不同音乐家组成的持久变化的集体,一起创造出这个拥有先锋爵士/嘻哈混合产物的乐队。

  在上个世纪九十年代早期,当Wilkinson用富有传奇色彩的Blue Note厂牌的唱片资源制作的采样,将hip hop和爵士熔合在一起以后,创造了具有典型定义的《Cantaloop》,他就已经开辟了新天地。后来的专辑《Hand on the Torch》(1993年),最终在全球范围内达到了现象级的地位,这也是Blue Note在美国首张实现白金销量(上百万销量)的专辑。

  故事到这里并没有结束,《hand on the torch》之后Wilkinson通过各种各样新的音乐原理为基础,连续与进入Us3阵容的新艺术家合作,创作了6张新的专辑。

  最新专辑《stop. think. run》(2009年3月),发行于Wilkinson自己的唱片厂牌,主唱是美国的Brook Yung和Sene,其中还包括了英国爵士人才之中的精华,例如著名萨克斯手Ed Jones熟悉的面孔和小号手Bryan Corbett,还有顶级唱机DJ First Rate带来的搓盘风暴。


  票价: Rmb 200 (现场) / 150 (预售)

  开门:10月16日 pm 8

  演出时间: pm 9

    Us3的My Space歌曲试听


  Eleanor Roosevelt

  Yugong Yishan is proud to present:


  Turning it up with „stop. think. run“

  The mastermind behind Us3, London based producer Geoff Wilkinson and a perpetually changing collective of up and coming musicians make up this ever pioneering jazz/hip-hop hybrid。

  In the early nineties Wilkinson broke new ground when he fused hip hop and jazz using the legendary Blue Note back catalogue as a sampling resource and created the genre-defining track „Cantaloop“. The resulting album „Hand on the Torch“ (1993) subsequently became a global phenomenon, and was the first Blue Note album ever to achieve Platinum status (1,000,000 sales) in the USA。

  The story doesn’t end here, Wilkinson proceeded to „hand on the torch“ by weaving in various new elements as he created 6 more albums, continuously collaborating with new artists, who all brought in their musical arrays。

  The newest album „stop. think. run“ (March 2009), released on Wilkinson’s own record label features US emcees Brook Yung and Sene along with the cream of British jazz talent, including the familiar notable faces of Ed Jones (sax) and Bryan Corbett (trumpet), while top turntablist DJ First Rate scratches up a storm。

  Don’t miss the 8-piece Us3 live-band raising the temperature at Yugong Yishan on October 16th!

  Tickets: Rmb 200 (door) / 150 (presale)

  Open doors: pm 8

  Showtime: pm 9

  „The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams。“

  Eleanor Roosevelt

   看明星八卦、查影讯电视节目,上手机新浪网娱乐频道 ent.sina.cn

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