
愚公移山6月1&2日 加拿大乐队入侵

http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年05月12日11:34  新浪娱乐



The Racoons





  6月1日 Tuesday 星期二



  The Racoons


  Wil Mimnaugh是加拿大的民谣歌手。他出生自一个音乐世家,母亲是一个歌手,父亲是个吉他手,注定了他的音乐天赋。早期以翻唱The Verve、Pearl Jam等出道,后来开始了自己创作。他的前两张专辑广受好评,并逐渐开始和Gomez、Feist等知名乐队和歌手一起合作。去年的新专辑脱离了生活和爱情沉重的一面,开始拥有自己独特的作词和唱法。

  CHARTattack said it best:

  “Best. Acoustic. Guitar. Player. Ever. No joke — this man is gifted。”

  Parlovr  (发音和 “Parlour”相近)

  Parlovr是三个蒙特利尔人组成的独立流行乐队。他们狂躁混乱的音乐,欢乐怪异的歌曲和诱人的现场演出,已成功捕获了音乐专家及潮流大众的心。《Spin》杂志和《纽约时代》称他们的现场是蒙特利尔2009年五支必看的乐队之一。他们曾和Franz Ferdinand 和Arctic Monkeys一起巡演。音乐里有着六十年代流行、八十年代后朋和九十年代车库,但又令你不可思议的耳目一新。

  These dudes have toured with the likes of Franz Ferdinand and Arctic Monkeys, and Spin magazine named them 1 of “5 Montreal Bands to Watch” in 2009.

  Raw and reverb-soaked, screams and whispers; sing-alongs and spacey instrumentals; warm and crisp, shimmering leads; short pop jabs and extended epics. You get the idea, right? It’s quirky, it’s catchy, and while it’s full of familiar throwbacks to ‘60s pop, ‘80s post-punk, and ‘90s garage, it’s also refreshing。

  The Racoons (请不要和其他乐队搞错,他们只有一个“C”)

  他们有着一个可爱的名字“浣熊”。他们谦虚低调地自称为一支向大牌致敬的乐队,其中包括Joy Division、Frank Zappa、The Cars和Bruce Springsteen。在和像The Von Bondies这样的乐队一起巡演之后,这支独立流行乐队正准备今夏发行他们的首张正式专辑。而美国热门节目《好莱坞女孩》中也有一集用到了他们的歌曲。

  These Vancouver-based indie-poppers were quickly snapped up by the same guy who manages Tegan & Sara, and are preparing to record their first full-length album this summer。

  Pit-stops on their rise to fame have included touring with Detroit rockers The Von Bondies, and – OMG – having their song “Room to Operate” featured on an episode of MTV’s The Hills (Season 5, Episode 12. The scene where Spencer and Heidi are arguing about babysitting. Not that we watch The Hills。)

  Pm 8 // Rmb 50

  6月2日 Wednesday 星期三



  Flash Lightnin’

  illScarlett  (他们可不是Good Charlotte)

  illScarlett是安大略的雷鬼Ska四人乐队。他们的音乐受Sublime和No Doubt的影响很深。流行朋克、现代摇滚、Ska和雷鬼,不同元素的猛烈撞击,令乐队仿佛一位巨大彪悍的格斗机器人。而让你不由自主跟着舞蹈的Ska和雷鬼节奏,绝对是夏天最清新舒爽最沁人心脾的解暑良药。

  Warped Tour mainstays illScarlett are an Ontario four-piece who make reggae/dub-infused rock. Their most notable influences are Sublime and No Doubt. They even worked with Matthew Wilder, producer of No Doubt’s Tragic Kingdom on their 2007 album, All Day With It。

  Ohbijou (如果你是Joanna Newsom和Mazzy Star的粉丝,一定不能错过他们)

  Ohbijou 是来自安大略省的六人弦乐流行乐队。Ohbijou的音乐,融合流行、民谣及蓝草的影响,被描绘为“轻声细语,触动心房的音乐”。他们用曼陀林、小提琴、钢琴、班卓琴、大提琴以及一系列令人印象深刻的乐器,编制出一副美妙的图画。

  乐队和Belle Union / Last Gang Records这两个著名唱片公司签约,在同门乐队Fleet Foxes、Midlake、Metric等的光芒下,正努力打造属于自己的一片天地。

  This Toronto-sextet make lush, string-heavy music led by vocals from band leader Casey Mecija and incorporating mandolin, bell lyre, banjo, piano, cello and more. The BBC’s Paul Bennun called Ohbijou’s music “gorgeous…folk music that swings。”

  The band has inked deals with Bella Union in Europe (also home to Fleet Foxes, Midlake, Andrew Bird, etc。) and Last Gang Records in North America (New Pornographers, Metric, Crystal Castles, etc。).

  Flash Lightnin' 让你不停摇摆的布鲁斯风情和金属力量

  Flash Lightnin’是多伦多的摇滚英雄,上世纪70年代的ZZ Top和滚石是他们绝对的偶像。他们的音乐,有着工人阶级脏兮兮的布鲁斯风情,有着沙漠般轰隆隆的金属力量,不容你多想,只有一头扎进去,用心去聆听,扭着屁股去摇摆,才能最自然最直接的感受这种的美妙——在这之前,别忘了先来上杯上好的波旁威士忌助助兴,引爆那颗早已按捺不住躁动的心。

  Flash Lightnin' insist that you chug some bourbon and dance to their “bad-ass sludge boogie。”

  The Toronto power rockers wear their influence of 70's ZZ Top and Rolling Stones like a well-worn Nudie Suit, with rhinestone crests of Jack White and the Black Keys。

  How many other bands do you know versatile enough to open for Priestess, Metric and Broken Social Scene?

  Pm 8 // Rmb 50

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