

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年04月30日12:12  新浪娱乐







  Dear friends,

  Founded five years, Chaoyang International Pop Music Festival has loaded the beautiful longing of many north travelling music fans, traced outstanding footprint of the civil pop stars, and overflowed the full emotion of pop musicians from the five continents。

  Today, again in the flourishing May and on the emotional earth of Chaoyang, The Sixth Chaoyang International Pop Music Festival opens arms to welcome the music lovers all over the world. On behalf of the organizing committee of this Chaoyang International Pop Music Festival, here I express our warm welcome to the musicians and music lovers!

  Chaoyang is a open, comprehensive, and fashional district. It has the harmonious and comprehensive spirit and the globle mind and bearing. With this feature, Chaoyang International Pop Music Festival works hard to making the “international ceremony of pop music, and the festival of music lovers”, bringing the world pop music in China and encourage the Chinese pop music move toward the world. We try to attract the world’s attention to Beijing, Chaoyang through this great pop ceremony。

  The music entering our life makes the life much bright and colorful. Thus, we can praise the life and compose the peace! I wish musicians and music lovers from the world can enjoy the happy hour that music brings to us on the stage of Chaoyang International Pop Music Festival during this music fastivel。

  Wish Chaoyang International Pop Music Festival a complete success!

  朝阳流行音乐周   2011 ChaoYang International Pop Music Festival

  主办:                                       Host:

  朝阳区文化馆                              Chaoyang Cultural Center

  朝阳区对外文化交流协会          Chaoyang Intercultural Association

  承办:                                     Organizer:

  北京凤朝阳文化发展公司   Beijing Fengchaoyang Culture Development Company

  北京金艺舟国际文化传播有限公司  Beijing Jinyizhou International Culture Transmission Co., Ltd

  支持单位:                          Supporter                   

  朝阳区文化委员会          Chaoyang District        Committee of Culture

  朝阳区体育局               Chaoyang District Bureau of Sports

  场地提供:                           Venue

  朝阳公园                        Chaoyang Park

  朝阳体育中心                   Chaoyang Sports Center

  组委会委员:   Academic  Committee                        

  总监/ Director        黄晓伟   Huang  Xiaowei 

  出品/ producer       张  前   Zhang  Qian 

  执行总监// Executive director    华素霞  Hua   Suxia

  执行总监/ Executive director     倪遥远   Ni    Yaoyuan

  执行总监/ Executive director     吴  刚   Wu   Gang

  执行总监/ Executive director     金  童   Jin   Tong

  艺术执行总监/ Art Director              徐  伟      Xu   Wei 

  艺术执行总监/ Art Director              秦文焕      Qin  Wenhuan

  行政执行总监/                         金日顺      Jin  Rishun

  项目统筹/ Porject Superviser            欧阳辉  Ou Yanghui  

  项目统筹/ Porject Superviser            李  利  Li Li           

  项目统筹/ Porject Superviser            张馨元  Zhang Xinyuan 

  项目统筹/ Porject Superviser            李有平  Li Youping     

  安全助理/ Safe assistant                王鹏举  Wang Peng Ju

  安全助理/ Safe assistant                宛立达  Wan Li Da

  项目助理/ Project  Assistant             易  婷  Yi Ting

  项目助理/ Project  Assistant             沈琳英  Shen Lin Ying

  项目助理/ Project  Assistant             朱子岩  Zhu Zi Yan

  项目助理/ Project  Assistant             范家菊  Fan Jia Ju

  项目助理/ Project  Assistant             樊欣颖  Fan Xinying  

  项目助理/ Project  Assistant             何  琳  He Lin

  项目助理/Project  Assistant              吴  桐  Wu Tong       

  舞台监督/Stage Manager                 罗晓英  Luo Xiaoying      

  舞台监督/Stage Manager                 肖  丹  Xiao Dan         

  舞台监督/Stage Manager                 徐瑞泽  Xu Ruize        

  平面/Graphic Design                    夏  男   Xia   Nan

  灯光/Lighting                           王雪松   Wang Xuesong        

  音响/Sound                            干道宏   Gan Daoong 

  音响/Sound                            赵  毅   Zhao Yi               

  音乐/Music                                李  丰   Li  Feng  

  摄影/Take Picture                       边  群   Bian   Qun              

  摄影/Take Picture                       康  旭   Kang  Xu

  服装/Costume                          卢  南   Lu  Nan

  特邀艺术顾问                            方美昂  Fang  Meiang

  特邀艺术顾问                            弗兰克·威尔森  Frank  Wilson


  Stockton International Riverside Festival

  特别鸣谢/Special Thanks

  中国对外文化集团公司     China Art And Entertainment Group

  匈牙利驻华大使馆          Embassy of the Republic of Hungary

  澳大利亚驻华大使馆        Embassy of Austrialia









  媒体支持/Media Support

 新浪网                SINA.COM.CN

 北京晚报                  Beijing Evening News

  北京青年报                Beijing Youth Daily

  北京日报                  Beijing Daily

  国际广播电台            China Radio International

  世界中国杂志/Event  International  CoLtd  World and China Magazine

  票务总代理/   General Ticket Agent

  永乐票务       Yongle Ticket

  朝阳流行音乐周   2011 ChaoYang International Pop Music Festival

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