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Friends Again:《六人行》剧中音乐全攻略

http://ent.sina.com.cn 2005年08月17日18:10 DVD影片不完全手册

  歌曲名称:Don''t Stand So Close To Me

  演唱者:The Police

  场景二:When Ross was singing to his unborn child(翻唱版)

  歌曲名称:Hey, We''re the Monkeys

  演唱者:The Monkeys.

  第一季第十集110 The One With The Monkey



  歌曲名称:Shiny Happy People


  专辑出处:Out of Time.

  场景二:The song which played while Chandler had photos with Janice and while Phoebe said goodbye to Scientist Guy

  歌曲名称:Into Your Arms


  第一季第十一集111 TOW Mrs. Bing

  场景:What song was while Monica and Phoebe took care of Coma Guy?

  歌曲名称:My Guy

  演唱者:Mary Wells.

  第一季第十二集112 The One With the Dozen Lasagnes

  场景:What TV themes are they humming?

  歌曲名称:The Odd Couple

  歌曲名称:I Dream of Jeannie

  第一季第十五集115 TOW the Stoned Guy

  场景:When Ross has Celia (the dirty talker) over, what music is playing?

  歌曲名称:Girl, You''ll Be a Woman

  演唱者:Neil Diamond.

  第一季第十七集117 TOW Two Parts

  场景一:What song was playing at the beginning of Phoebe''s party (before she arrived)?

  歌曲名称:What''s the Frequency


  场景二What song (that went "In a New York Minute...") was playing when Ross and Marcel were in the hospital?

  歌曲名称:New York Minute

  演唱者:Don Henley

  专辑出处:The End of the Innocence.

  第一季第十八集118 The One With All the Poker

  场景:What did they whistle in the opening scene?

  歌曲名称:The theme music from the movie "Bridge on the River Kwai."

  第一季第十八集、第二季第十二集118 & 212 The One With All the Poker/The One After the Superbowl

  场景:What song did Marcel play in 118, which they also sang to get his attention at the movie set in 212?

  歌曲名称:The lion sleeps tonight(Mbube)

  演唱者:Zulu singer Soloman Linda.

  第一季第十九集119 The One Where The Monkey Gets Away

  场景:What music was playing when Louisa tried to shoot Marcel with a tranquilizer dart?

  歌曲名称:The theme from the original TV show, "Shaft."

  第一季第二十一集121 TOW the Fake Monica

  场景:What song was playing as Marcel was taken away?

  歌曲名称:You''re a Big Boy Now

  演唱者:John Sebastian.

  第一季第二十四集124 The One Where Rachel Finds Out

  场景:What song was playing while Rachel was waiting for Ross at the airport?

  歌曲名称:Take a Bow


  专辑出处:Bedtime Stories.

  第二季第一集201 TOW Ross''s New Girlfriend

  场景:What music played when Ross and Rachel were talking on the balcony?

  歌曲名称:I''ll be there for you(演奏版)

  第二季第四集204 TOW Phoebe''s Husband

  场景:What music is playing when Ross dances in the street, the morning after sleeping with Julie?

  歌曲名称:Singing in the Rain(from the movie Singing in the Rain)

  演唱者:Gene Kelly.

  第二季第五集205 TOW Five Steaks and an Eggplant -

  场景:What Hootie song opened the concert?

  歌曲名称:I Go Blind

  第二季第七集207 TOW Ross Finds Out -

  场景一:What music is playing while Monica and Chandler work out?

  歌曲名称:Macho Man,

  演唱者: The Village People.

  场景二:What music is playing when Chandler dances away from Monica at the end?

  歌曲名称:Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy

  演唱者: Tchaikovsky.


  第二季第八集208 TOW The List -

  场景:What song did Ross request on the radio? And What song followed it?

  歌曲名称:With or Without You,

  演唱者: U2

  专辑出处:The Joshua Tree.

  歌曲名称:It was followed

  演唱者:Grant Lee Buffalo



  With or Without You

  See the stone set in your eyes

  Feel the thorn twist in your side

  I wait for you

  Sleight of hand and twist of fate

  On a bed of nails she makes me wait

  And I wait....without you

  With or without you

  With or without you

  Through the storm we reach the shore

  You give it all but I want more

  And I''m waiting for you

  With or without you

  With or without you

  I can''t live

  With or without you

  And you give yourself away

  And you give yourself away

  And you give

  And you give

  And you give yourself away

  My hands are tied

  My body bruised, she''s got me with

  Nothing left to win

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