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《六人行》容易被忽略之处 眼尖的你注意到了吗(3)

http://ent.sina.com.cn 2005年08月16日19:38 新浪娱乐


  TOW the Hypnosis Tape

  * Ross is wearing a flower tie.


  TOW the Wedding Dresses

  *A weird thing is that Rachel kept her nonused wedding dress. The dress she wears in TOW the Wedding Dresses is the one from the pilot.




  TOW the Invitation

  * The envelope addressed to Rachel reads:

  Ms. Rachel Greene

  945 Grove St no. 20

  New York, NY


  * Ross has written "Greene" with the "e" but everywhere I've seen it's spelt without the "e".



  TOW Ross's Wedding Part 2

  * Chandler takes a shower but is still wearing socks when he comes out of the shower.



  TOW the Inappropriate Sister

  * Danny has got the exact same couch as Chandler and Joey, only his is green and the other two guys' is yellow.


  * Chandler is wearing a tie with a picture of a cartoon Santa on it.



  TOW Chandler's Work Laugh

  * Some characters wear the same outfit two days in a row, which isn't very common on "Friends".



  TOW Everyone Finds Out

  * During this episode, in Chandler and Joey's apartment, you can see two Furby's sitting on the microwave.


  * Phoebe tells Joey and Rachel to watch, learn and to not eat her cookie. After flirting with Chandler, she leaves Central Perk without the cookie.




  TOW the Cop

  * Ross reveals that he and Rachel did it 298 times.


  * There's a map at the wall on Joey and Chandler's apartment next to the fridge... however I can't tell if it's a map of Norway and Sweden or a map of America, or some other country I just didn't think it looked like.



  TOW Rachel's Inadvertent Kiss

  * Joey's poster says: "Are you the hot girl who waved at me? If so, give me a call. Joey 629 ."

  * The sign that the man put up says: "WARNING INTRUDER! If you see this creep call the cops!"



  * In the pilot Rachel mentions being annoyed with Barry keeping his socks on while making love. In TOW Rachel's Inadvertent Kiss, we see that Chandler apparently does the same thing.




  TO In Vegas, Pt 1

  * Joey's pin number for his ATM card 5639.



  TO After Vegas

  * You can note that the song Joey sings to Phoebe in the car (TO After Vegas) is the same as Chandler sang on the videotape in TOW Ross Can't Flirt.

  “TO After Vegas”里乔伊在车上对菲比唱了首歌,后来在“TOW Ross Can't Flirt”里,钱德在录影带里唱了同一首歌。


  The guy who sat beside Chandler in the meeting in ep902 was one of the waiters in ep905 when C&M arrived the restaurant and had the seat.(by 灌水猪)



  1.Jennifer Aniston's actual last name is Anastassakis but her family changed it to Aniston when they moved to the United States. If you watch TOW Chandler and Monica's Wedding, Rachel's actual last name is used for the Greek couple having their wedding in the episode.

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