我曾梦见许多次同样的景象 星空下你拥抱着我共进梦乡 长夜里我把小小的心愿许下
时光流逝 情境变迁 唯有心中的梦一样 在何方我最爱的 咫尺之间情深意长 似蝶恋花绕我飞翔 你那声音永在我心中荡漾 是你,我的真爱
在那绿色原野上有我的家乡 春的女神到来遍地鲜花怒放 彩蝶纷飞带你我奔向前方 手牵手不再悲伤 你那声音永在我心中荡漾
There was a field in my old town
Where we always played hand in hand
The wind was gently touching the grass
We were so young so fearless
Then I dreamt over and over of
you holding me tight under the stars
I made a promise to my dear Load I will love you forever
Time has passed So much has changed But the field remains in my heart Oh where are you?Ineed to tell you I still love you So I reach out for you Your voice still echoes in my heart You are my true love
There was a fidle in my old town Where in Spring all flowers blossomed wide We were chasing butterflies Hand in hand 'till close of day Your voice stell echoes in my heart |