影音娱乐 新浪首页 > 影音娱乐 > 戏剧 > 大型音乐话剧《琥珀》专题 >正文


http://ent.sina.com.cn 2006年07月03日15:18 新浪娱乐

  锻造《琥珀》的每一道工序都充满魅力和诱惑 ——北京青年报



  当爱情遇上《琥珀》,化成一场黑色幽默。——Men’s uno(香港)



  The love story at the center of the play contains a warning about the dangers of excessive cynicism, self-absorption and detachment. Amber closes, leaving us with the suggestion that even in a world dizzy with amoral frenzied materialism and numbed by self-promotion and fakery, the possibility of redemption and genuine human connection exists for those who have the courage to let themselves care enough to be afraid of dying and willing make a change of heart.——CITY WEEKEND

  Director Meng skilfully presents a modern fable of a woman's pursuit of love in a world of fake sentiments and forgeries, set in a contemporary China of perplexing social and moral values. ——China Daily



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