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第三届全国少数民族会演 畲水高山一样亲台词英

http://ent.sina.com.cn 2006年09月11日14:39 新浪娱乐

  There is a beautiful bay along the seaside of the southwest seacoast of our motherland. With the mountain-like tenacity and the sea-like affection, the west bank of the Taiwan Strait pulls the mother’s skirt with one hand, and links Taiwan province on the opposite side of the sea with the other hand. On a night with bright moon and cool breeze, treading the silver-like moonlight, I enter an ancient old but living grove of bamboo forest. Through the dim bamboo leaves, I s
ee that the lights on the fishing boat far away are twinkling just like the boundless clusters of stars.

  Who blows the bamboo flute ringing beside my ear? Leisure Flute music sounds like people practising an old promise. Whereupon, the wooden flute is blew. On the opposite side of the sea comes the love song of the Nalu Bay.

  Prelude: Sonata of the Mountains and Rivers

  What a wonderful night! The rivers of She nationality and mountains of Gaoshan nationality intimately interweave to form the harmonious song which flies over Fujian province. Slowly I walk towards the familiar but strange people of She nationality. Dimly I see the peculiar verve of the mountains of She nationality and hear the clear and sweet song of She nationality’s offspring.

  Poetic Picture One: Leisurely singing of the Rivers of She nationality

  Poetic Picture Two: Love of People and Puppet’s Marriage

  After watching “Love of People and Puppet’s Marriage”, I was subdued by the vivid and harmonious facial expressions and skillful feats of people and puppet, and moved by the peculiar folkloric marriage customs with rich inside cultural information of the rivers of She nationality and mountains of Gaoshan nationality. At this moment, I do wish to enter the other world of Fujian Province-the heaven of the inhabitant area of Gaoshan nationality to listen to the leisure and sweet melody of the Nalu Bay, and to see the picture of how the returned male hunters beside the needfire revel and how women forget themselves at that time.

  Oh! The sun has set. It is the most beautiful moment when the spring breeze in the west bank of the strait blows the golden clothing of the sunglow to the mysterious mountain and plain. There are the pestle song of pounding rice, the intoxicating smell of wine and the exciting straightforwardness.

  Come with me, my friends. Please follow me to the world of Gaoshan nationality.

  Poetic Picture Three: Standing on the high hill

  Dear friends: There are more than 370,000 offspring of She nationality and some compatriots of Gaoshan nationality in Fujian province in the west bank of the strait. They lead a harmonious life and share the sunlight, rain dew and spring breeze with more than 30 million people of Han nationality.

  There is a song singing: We have the same mother who gives us the same love

  Deep feeling of love links the two sides of the strait

  Although the two sides of the strait are separated by the narrow water, despite the cultural difference between She nationality, Gaoshan nationality and Han nationality, blood thicker than water is always the love knot linking the two sides of the strait.

  We are one family.

  The Rivers of She Nationality and Mountains of Gaoshan Nationality are Intimate Alike

  Epilogue: The full-moon tide



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