
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年06月12日19:13  新浪娱乐




  名 称:《过渡的旅人》 根据《唐·吉诃德》人物改编

  类 型:舞剧

  举办时间:2008年7月9日—10日 19:30




  西班牙拉费尔·阿曼戈舞蹈团的《唐·吉诃德》是前国际奥委会主席萨马兰奇先生特别向中国国际青年艺术周推荐的剧目。他在信中这样赞赏其编舞及主演拉费尔·阿曼戈(RAFAEL AMANGO):“这位伟大的西班牙艺术家代表了弗拉门戈艺术的先锋和最高的创造力! 他肯定会让中国人民欣赏到令人难忘的表演!”《唐·吉诃德》是西班牙的国家级舞剧。它融古典与现代为一体,包含弗拉门戈、民族舞、现代舞……耗资近200万欧元,是现代舞剧大手笔、大背景的杰作。

  图 片:(附后)

  Dance Drama: Ballet-Pantomime, Don Quixote de la Mancha

  Time and Venue: 19:30 July 9 – 10, Theater Hall of National Center for Performing Arts

  Performance group: Rafael Amango Dance Company (Spain)

  Brief Introduction:

  D.Q.:Passenger in Transit is a show inspired by the character of Don Quixote created by Cervantes. It is a contemporary show in which new technology plays an important role and audiovisual effects give shape to the settings. What we see is not an adapted version of the original which is almost impossible due to its extension, but a reflection on the best known character in Spanish literature.

  The story is set in Japan in this century, where two friends, Bidanshi (Rafael Amango), and Akira (Fran Fernandez) live their obsession with DQIII video game. This obsession goes even further when Bidanshi is accidentally introduced in the video game world, (here's set the parallel between cavalry books and video games), where Quixote's adventures will take place, recreating some of the original scenes from the book. Space and time changes will drive the audience into a world of fantasy, where the 21st century merges with the 15th century. A flamenco musical where Spanish most popular dance merges with brand new dance expressions -- break dance, folklore, contemporary dance and escuela bolera with new technologies.

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