
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年06月12日19:13  新浪娱乐




  For two centuries Don Quixote invariably belongs to the bestsellers of ballet stage. Many famous choreographs, among them Petipa and Gorsky, were interested not only in the main characters in the novel of Cervantes, but also in the background which represents a pretext for Spanish

  dancers. Don Quixote on Minsk stage is a parade of very talented dancers both of solo and of episodic parts. All together they offer the spectators to plunge into adventures, tricks, chases, a fascinating and attractive game of Spain.

  D.Q.: Passenger in Transit by Rafael Amango Dance Company is specially recommended by Mr. Samaranch, former president of International Olympic Games Committee. It has received strong financial support by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain and Embassy of Spain in Beijing.

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