
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年06月12日19:20  新浪娱乐




  名 称:新编莎翁名剧《威尼斯商人》

  类 型:话剧

  举办时间:2008年7月12日—13日 19:30






  Drama: "The Merchant of Venice"

  Type: Drama

  Time: 19:30 July 12-13

  Venue: Theater Hall of National Center for Performing Arts (Beijing)

  Performance group: National Youth Theatre

  Brief introduction:

  The National Youth Theatre of Great Britain is delighted to be touring to Beijing and taking part in the International Youth Arts Festival as part of the Cultural Olympiad for the Beijing Games. The National Youth Theatre is Britain’s leading youth arts organization and is the first official youth theatre in the world with many successful productions in London and also abroad having toured to Moscow, New York, Paris, Barcelona but this is the company’s first tour to China! Therefore, in the true international spirit of harmony and cultural exchange the National Youth Theatre is very excited to be staging its critically acclaimed production of William Shakespeare’s the Merchant of Venice at the most prestigious of venues The National Centre of Performing Arts. This dynamic production will feature the very best of Britain’s young actors, musicians and singers who will also be joining forces with ten very talented Chinese performers to create two special and unique performances which will prove to be one of the cultural highlights of the festival.

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