
2012年10月15日15:18  新浪娱乐 微博
北京站海报 北京站海报

  “爱丁堡前沿剧展”于2012年10月在上海大剧院拉开序幕。作为2012年英国文化协会推出的大型英国艺术节UK NOW中的重磅单元——“爱丁堡前沿剧展”不仅精选了2011年、2012年来自爱丁堡艺穗节的最新剧目,展演期间还将有爱丁堡戏剧节海报展、戏剧工作坊、艺术研讨会、戏剧作品放映单元、创意市集等众多衍生活动同时进行,成为一个专为国内资深戏剧爱好者和铁杆戏迷度身定造的“戏剧节日”。

  “爱丁堡前沿剧展2012”由英国总领事馆文化教育处与上海大剧院、北京柒零柒恩剧团(N-Theatre)、上海新翼演艺有限公司联合主办。展演剧目包括:来自苏格兰国家剧院的《屋中怪兽》(The Monster in the Hall),英国“动作英雄”组合的《看着我倒下》(Watch Me Fall),来自西班牙库伦卡剧团的《安德鲁与多莉尼》(Andre and Dorine),来自香港邓树荣戏剧工作室的《教室也疯狂》(Detention)以及中国新锐艺术家今年赴爱丁堡演出的新作《我是月亮》(I'm Moon)等多部精彩戏剧,这些风格独特、多元前卫的剧目,为中国观众带来全新的戏剧视野和观看体验。以英国壁虎剧团新作《迷失》(Missing)领衔的“放映单元”在现场演出之外,为观众提供更多欣赏国外最新剧作的难得机会。


  TheEdinburgh Fringe Showcase shall celebrate its debut in October, 2012, at theShanghai Grand Theatre. Supported by the British Council, the Frontier is anunmissable hit of the UK Now Festival of British Arts.  From the Edinburgh Art Festival 2011 and2012, we selected the newest and the freshest plays to feature in theEdinburgh Fringe Showcase. An exciting range of poster exhibitions, playworkshops, seminars, video review and open market etc. will be held across theevent. It brings the freshest and newest plays from the Edinburgh FringeFestival 2011 and 2012, and a range of poster exhibitions, play workshops,seminars, video review and creative open market etc. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the fans and art-holics in China。

  TheEdinburgh Fringe Showcase is co-hosted by British Council, Shanghai GrandTheatre and the N-Theatre Ltd., and Shanghai Xinyi Performance. Selected playsinclude: the Monster in the Hall by the National Theatre of Scotland,Watch MeFall by the U.K. Action Hero, Andre and Dorine by the Spanish Group Kulunka,Detention by DengShuRong Studio(Hongkong), and , by the Chinese artist whichalso featured in the Edinburgh Art Festival, I'm Moon, plus many others. Theseunique and diverse plays will introduce new vision and sensation to the Chinesaudience.  Despite of the play Missing bythe Gecko (U.K。) which will lead the Video Review section, the Frontier offersan excellent chance to enjoy the newest plays across the world。

  The playperformance and other events will starts from the HuangPiRoad outdoor space andthe medium size theaters, small size theatre and the Press Office of theShanghai Grand Theatre, from Oct 10th to Oct 28th, lasting 3 weeks. Some of theplays and events will later tour Shanghai, Beijing, Hangzhou, Xi'an, Nanjing,Shenzhen and other cities in China. 

(责编: 葱尾)
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