

凯瑟琳-莫里斯的页面 >

点球成金 (2011)
Cougars, Inc. (2011)
《高中校长阴谋事件 Assassination Of A High School President》(2008)
《重整旗鼓 Resurrecting the Champ 》 (2007) ...Joyce
《 10th Annual Prism Awards 》 (2006) ...Herself
《八面埋伏/死亡特训/埋伏杀机 Mindhunters 》 (2004) ...Sara Moore
《 The 56th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards 》 (2004) ...Herself
《记忆裂痕/空头支票 Paycheck 》 (2003) ...Rita Dunne
《 "Cold Case" 》 (2003) ...Lilly Rush
《少数派报告/未来报告/关键报告 Minority Report 》 (2002) ...Lara Anderton
《宝马广告HIRE网络电影精选 Hostage 》 (2002) ...Linda Delacroix (The Hostage)
《 'Minority Report': The Players 》 (2002) ...Herself
《对垒风暴 The Last Castle 》 (2001) ...DOD investigator (scenes deleted)
《迷情杀机 And Never Let Her Go 》 (2001) ...Anne Marie Fahey
《人工智能 Artificial Intelligence: AI 》 (2001) ...Teenage honey
《 "The Mind of the Married Man" 》 (2001) ...Sandy (2 episodes, 2001)
《 Role of a Lifetime 》 (2001) ...Chelsea
《政界风云/暗朝汹涌 The Contender 》 (2000) ...Special Agent Paige Willomina
《 Murder, She Wrote: A Story to Die For 》 (2000) ...Patricia Williams
《末日战士 Hell Swarm 》 (2000) ...
《 Inherit the Wind 》 (1999) ...Rachel Brown
《 Deterrence 》 (1999) ...Lizzie Woods
《 Screenplay 》 (1999) ...
《 Inferno 》 (1998) ...Ryan Tibbet
《魔翼杀手2/终极预言2 Prophecy II, The 》 (1998) ...Anxious Mother
《猫屎先生 As Good as It Gets 》 (1997) ...Psychiatric Patient
《弹簧折刀/弹簧刀/豁达的天空/弹弓刀 Sling Blade 》 (1996) ...craft service
《沙人 Sleepstalker 》 (1995) ...Megan
《 Friend to Die For, A 》 (1994) ...Monica
《往日情怀 Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All 》 (1994) ...Zundro (Sandra)
《玉米田的控诉 Long Road Home 》 (1991) ...Billy Jo Robertson
《他酷得像冰 Cool as Ice 》 (1991) ...Jen

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