
  皮帕·李的私生活 The Private Lives of Pippa Lee (2009) .....Sandra
  星舰迷航 / 星际旅行11 Star Trek (2009) .....Amanda Grayson
  保持冷静 Stay Cool (2009) .....Scarlet Smith
  线人 The Informers (2008) .....Cheryl Laine
  欢迎 Welcome (2007) .....Cynthia
  Alpha Numeric (2007)
  性和死亡101 Sex and Death 101 (2007) .....Gillian
  爱情十贱事 The Ten (2007) .....Kelly
  雅各布斯和路易威登 Marc Jacobs & Louis Vuitton (2007) .....Herself
  遗言 The Last Word (2007) .....(rumored)
  吸血惊情四百年的制作 The Blood Is the Life: The Making of 'Bram Stoker's Dracula' (2007) .....Herself
  猪头满天下 / 达尔文奖 The Darwin Awards (2006) .....Siri
  盲区行者 / 双面魔神 / 心机扫描 / 黑暗扫描仪A Scanner Darkly (2006) .....Donna Hawthorne
  巧克力猫王 / 人心虚假于万事之上 / 虚伪莫过心灵 The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things (2004) .....Psychologist
  Declaration of Independence (2003) .....Herself
  The Day My God Died (2003) .....Narrator (voice)
  迪兹先生 / 凸槌大亨 / 爱你有钱途 Mr. Deeds (2002) .....Babe Bennett
  西蒙妮 / 虚拟偶像 / 虚拟索女郎 / 虚拟情人 / 数字明星 / 虚拟女一号 Simone (2002) .....Nicola Anders
  第73届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 73rd Annual Academy Awards (2001) .....Herself - Presenter: song 'I've Seen It All' (uncredited)
  超级名模 / 祖兰德 Zoolander (2001) .....Herself (uncredited)
  恶魔回魂 / 迷失的灵魂 / 驱魔人Lost Souls (2000) .....Maya Larkin
  纽约的秋天 / 纽约深秋 Autumn in New York (2000) .....Charlotte Fielding
  移魂女郎 / 女生向前走 / 断了线的女孩 / 我有冇问题 Girl, Interrupted (1999) .....Susanna Kaysen
  傀儡人生 / 变脑 / 玩谢麦高维治 / 成为马可维奇 Being John Malkovich (1999) .....Herself (archive footage) (uncredited)
  名人百态 Celebrity (1998) .....Nola
  克里斯托夫·里夫:心愿晚会 Christopher Reeve: A Celebration of Hope (1998) .....Herself
  异形4 / 异形4:复活 / 异形4:浴火重生 / 异形4之逆种 / 异形复活Alien: Resurrection (1997) .....Annalee Call
  第69届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 69th Annual Academy Awards (1997) .....Herself
  寻找理查德 / 寻找理查 / 寻找理查三世 Looking for Richard (1996) .....Lady Anne
  男孩 Boys (1996) .....Patty Vare
  第68届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 68th Annual Academy Awards (1996) .....Herself - Presenter: 'Dead Man Walking' Song
  激情年代 / 妒焰飞灰 The Crucible (1996) .....Abigail Williams
  第67届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 67th Annual Academy Awards (1995) .....Herself - Nominee: Best Actress in a Leading Role
  恋爱编织梦 / 怎样做美国锦被 / 编织恋爱梦 How to Make an American Quilt (1995) .....Finn Dodd
  现实的创痛 / 四个毕业生 / 不朽真情 Reality Bites (1994) .....Lelaina Pierce
  小妇人 Little Women (1994) .....Jo March
  金色豪门 / 第六感之恋 / 精灵之屋 / 灵魂庄园 The House of the Spirits (1993) .....Blanca Trueba
  纯真年代 / 心外幽情 The Age of Innocence (1993) .....May Welland
  吸血僵尸惊情四百年 / 惊情四百年 / 吸血僵尸 / 吸血鬼 Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) .....Mina Murray/Elisabeta
  地球之夜 Night on Earth (1991) .....Corky
  风情妈咪俏女儿 / 浪漫俏佳人Mermaids (1990) .....Charlotte Flax
  我很酷,但我很精灵 Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael (1990) .....Dinky Bossetti
  剪刀手爱德华 / 幻海奇缘 Edward Scissorhands (1990) .....Kim
  大火球 / 荷枪实弹 Great Balls of Fire! (1989) .....Myra Gale Lewis
  希德姊妹帮 Heathers (1989) .....Veronica Sawyer
  甲壳虫汁 / 阴间大法师 / 甲克虫的汁液 Beetlejuice (1988) .....Lydia
  1969 (1988) .....Beth
  Square Dance (1987) .....Gemma
  美国小子 Lucas (1986) .....Rina
  The Day My God Died (2003) .....Narrator (voice)
  移魂女郎 / 女生向前走 / 断了线的女孩 / 我有冇问题 Girl, Interrupted (1999) .....executive producer

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