
Straight A's (2013)
邦妮和克莱德的故事 The Story of Bonnie and Clyde (2012)
Sunlight Jr. (2012)
复仇 Revenge (2011)
撞车 Crash (2008)
绝命毒师 Breaking Bad (2008)
收支平衡 Balancing the Books (2008)
老无所依 No Country for Old Men (2007)
挽救自己 The Redemption of Sarah Cain (2007)
亲亲新娘 Kiss the Bride (2007)
崩溃 Broken (2006)
断桥 Broken Bridges (2006)
傻子 Loggerheads (2005)
卡拉 Karla (2005)
杰克和鲍比 Jack & Bobby (2004)
清晨 Morning (2001)
The Rising Place (2001)
辣手美眉 The In Crowd (2000)
Gun (1997)
狙击职业杀手 The Jackal (1997)
明日新闻 Early Edition (1996)
我的新伙伴 My New Gun (1992)
牛仔们总是我的英雄 My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys (1991)
Pretty Hattie's Baby (1991)
月亮里的人 The Man in the Moon (1991)
遗嘱风波 Daddy's Dyin'... Who's Got the Will? (1990)
不可征服的人 Unconquered (1989)
锁不住的惊情 Her Alibi (1989)
迢迢归乡路 Far North (1988)
Criminal Law (1988)
第59届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 59th Annual Academy Awards (1987)
伊斯达 Ishtar (1987)
心之罪 Crimes of the Heart (1986)
丝克伍事件 Silkwood (1983)
鬼哭神嚎3之魂飞魄散 Amityville 3-D (1983)
温柔的怜悯 Tender Mercies (1983)

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