
Synopsis:The Zero Hour

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年03月27日14:30  新浪娱乐

  The Zero Hour

  Directed by Pascal Thomas

  With Danielle Darrieux, François Morel, Laura Smet, Melvil Poupaud

  Fiction, Suspense / 1H47

  Whatever possessed Guillaume Neuville to invite his ex-wife Aude and his current wife Caroline to his rich Aunt Camilla Tressilian's house in Pointe-aux-Mouettes to spend the end of summer vacation? Friends they will never be.

  Reluctant at first to welcome two Mrs Neuville in her home, Camilla Tressilian finally accepts the idea. She knows there is no fighting the evolution of modern life.

  This strange family reunion takes a tragic turn when Mrs Tressilian is found murdered in her bed one morning, her skull shattered.

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