
Synopsis:Let’s say…

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年03月27日14:30  新浪娱乐

  Let’s say….

  Directed by Françoise Marie

  With Pauline Combaudon, Mathilde Courdert, Maureen Coudert

  Documentary/ 1H22

  « Let’s say… » and the imagination takes over. Instead of playing the usual game of Cowboys and Indians, children between the ages of 8 and 13, sons and daughters of doctors, farmers, policemen or grocers, act out their parents’ jobs in front of the camera. Situations overheard in daily life or « as seen on TV » blurr the line between imagination and reality. Nothing is scripted, nothing is rehearsed : they improvise, acting out their roles as they wish and in the process, show us the world as they see it. The perception of their parents’ jobs, with all the challenges, joys and pains, tell us a lot about ourselves.

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