

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年03月04日17:21  新浪娱乐


  "God, the Devil and Bob" .... Sarah (1 episode, 2003)

  - God's Girlfriend (2003) TV episode (voice) .... Sarah

  These Old Broads (2001) (TV) .... 饰Beryl Mason

  石头城乐园 The Flintstones (1994) ..。。饰 Pearl Slaghoople

  辛普森一家"The Simpsons" .... Maggie Simpson (1 episode, 1992)

  - Lisa's First Word (1992) TV episode (voice) .... Maggie Simpson


  浓爱痴情Sweet Bird of Youth (1989) (TV) .... 饰Alexandra Del Lago

  扑克俏佳人 Poker Alice (1987) (TV) .... 饰Alice Moffit

  There Must Be a Pony (1986) (TV) .... 饰Marguerite Sydney

  "North and South" (1985) TV mini-series .... 饰Madam Conti (unknown episodes)(客串)

  Malice in Wonderland (1985) (TV) .... Louella Parsons

  Between Friends (1983) (TV) .... Deborah Shapiro

  "All My Children" (1970) TV series .... Boardmember at the Chateau (1983) / ... (unknown episodes, 1984)

  "General Hospital" (1963) TV series .... Helena Cassadine #1 (unknown episodes, 1981)

  破镜谋杀案The Mirror Crack'd (1980) .... Marina Rudd


  冬季残杀Winter Kills (1979) (uncredited) .... 饰Lola Comante

  Return Engagement (1978) (TV) .... Dr. Emily Loomis

  小夜曲 A Little Night Music (1977) .... Desiree Armfeldt

  蓝鸟The Blue Bird (1976) .... 饰Queen of Light/Mother/Witch/Maternal Love

  Identikit (1974)又名The Driver's Seat .... Lise

  春回情断 Ash Wednesday (1973) .... Barbara Sawyer

  守夜Night Watch (1973) .... Ellen Wheeler

  Divorce His - Divorce Hers (1973) (TV) .... Jane Reynolds

  爱情你我他 Zee and Co. (1972) .... Zee Blakeley

  奇男奇女奇情 Hammersmith Is Out (1972) .... Jimmie Jean Jackson

  牛奶树下Under Milk Wood (1972) .... Rosie Probert(客串)

  人间游戏The Only Game in Town (1970) .... Fran Walker


  安妮的一千日Anne of the Thousand Days (1969) (uncredited) .... 饰Courtesan

  沧海孤女恨 Secret Ceremony (1968) .... Leonora

  富贵浮云Boom (1968) .... Flora 'Sissy' Goforth

  孽海游龙The Comedians (1967) .... Martha Pineda

  浮士德游地狱Doctor Faustus (1967) .... Helen of Troy

  金眼的反映/禁房情变Reflections in a Golden Eye (1967) .... 饰Leonora Penderton

  驯悍记 The Taming of the Shrew (1967) .... Katharina

  谁怕弗吉利亚·伍尔夫/灵欲春宵 Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966) .... Martha

  春风无限恨The Sandpiper (1965) .... Laura Reynolds

  大饭店The V.I.P.s (1963) .... Frances Andros

  埃及艳后 Cleopatra (1963) .... Cleopatra

  巴特菲尔德8号/青楼艳妓 BUtterfield 8 (1960) .... Gloria Wandrous

  Scent of Mystery (1960) (uncredited) .... The Real Sally Kennedy


  夏日痴魂 Suddenly, Last Summer (1959) .... 饰Catherine Holly

  热铁皮屋顶上的猫/朱门巧妇 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958) .... Margaret 'Maggie the Cat' Pollitt

  战国佳人/雨树县 Raintree County (1957) .... Susanna Drake

  巨人传 Giant (1956) .... Leslie Benedict

  我最后一次看见巴黎/魂断巴黎 The Last Time I Saw Paris (1954) .... Helen Ellswirth/Wills

  浪子回头Beau Brummell (1954) .... Lady Patricia Belham

  象宫鸳劫Elephant Walk (1954) .... Ruth Wiley

  狂想曲 Rhapsody (1954) .... Louise Durant

  玉女云裳 The Girl Who Had Everything (1953) .... Jean Latimer

  爱情至上/玉女求凰 Love Is Better Than Ever (1952) .... Anastacia (Stacie) Macaboy

  劫后英雄传Ivanhoe (1952) .... Rebecca

  暴君焚城录Quo Vadis (1951) (uncredited) .... Christian prisoner in arena

  阳光照耀之地/郎心如铁 A Place in the Sun (1951) .... Angela Vickers

  玉女弄璋/父亲的微薄红利 Father's Little Dividend (1951) .... Kay Dunstan

  岳父大人 Father of the Bride (1950) .... Kay Banks

  The Big Hangover (1950) .... Mary Belney


  阴谋者/玉女情魔Conspirator (1949) .... 饰Melinda Greyton

  小妇人 Little Women (1949) .... Amy

  玉女倾城Julia Misbehaves (1948) .... Susan Packett

  玉女嬉春A Date with Judy (1948) .... Carol Pringle

  乳燕飞Cynthia (1947) .... Cynthia Bishop

  伴父生涯Life with Father (1947) .... Mary Skinner

  战火历险记Courage of Lassie (1946) .... Kathie Merrick

  玉女神驹 National Velvet (1944) .... Velvet Brown

  多佛绝壁The White Cliffs of Dover (1944) (uncredited) .... Betsy Kenney at Age l0

  简爱Jane Eyre (1944) (uncredited) .... Helen Burns

  灵犬莱西 Lassie Come Home (1943) .... Priscilla

  每分钟出生一个孩子There's One Born Every Minute (1942) .... Gloria Twine

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