
2017年03月22日 23:20 娱乐资本论
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  第一季《中国新歌声》于2016年10月7日刚刚结束,此后灿星制作又花费了大半个月时间对节目模式进行总结和梳理,最终才完成模式宝典的撰写,并开始进行模式版权的国际注册。2016年11月29日,灿星制作得到了(国际)节目模式认证与保护组织FRAPA(THE FORMAT RECOGNITION AND PROTECTION ASSOCIATION)签发的《中国新歌声》(Sing!China)的模式认证文件,编号为FRS1194。

  FRAPA现任总经理比安卡(Bianca Rootsaert)希望大家了解:FRAPA为公司提供认证电视节目模式的可能性。拥有FRAPA的认证证书对于模式创意者而言,是保护电视模式的一种方式。(比安卡对FRAPA协会及取得FRS认证的方式及效力的完整介绍原文附在本文最后)


  2016年10月,灿星公司的工作人员的确曾前往戛纳,一方面是与国外电视同行洽谈交流电视业务,同时寻找合作原创节目的可能性。就是在此期间,灿星与全球著名制作公司Syco初步达成了合作意向,Syco公司负责人是曾经原创“达人秀”、“X Factor”等国际一流模式的著名电视制作人西蒙·考威尔。

  Syco娱乐全球电视业务总监Nigel Hall表示: “Syco娱乐非常高兴能与星空传媒/灿星制作长期合作。灿星制作拥有中国一流的电视节目制作团队,相信Syco娱乐的电视业务能让双方的合作更加成功、更加富有创造力”。双方于2016年12月15日在伦敦签署合作协议,约定在未来的三年共同合作,完成一系列综艺节目模式的研发。


  3、 法院调查令多页缺失疑遭断章取义





  附:FRAPA现任总经理Bianca Rootsaert介绍FRAPA组织及FRS认证原文

  You can register your creative work by uploading treatments, scripts, story lines, etc online。 We recommend that you include as much detail in the descriptions as possible。  Once the tv-format has been uploaded (and paid for), the registration will be approved。 You will receive an automated certificate via email, which confirms details such as the date of registration, title of the format and the format owner。

  Ideally, you should register your creative work at the earliest possible stage of the writing process。 If you improve or change your format, you should register it once again。 At each level of format development, you should register your work to strengthen the proof that you have created a unique and individual format。 Remember: the most effective way to protect your format is to document and register every step of its development。

  FRAPA’s format registry (FRS) offers you tools to prove that your registered work existed the moment you created it。 Please note that Format Registration is an important but only one step in proving the ownership of your work。 FRS does not compare registered formats or compares the FRS registered formats with already existing formats。 At the moment there is not a worldwide library of registrated formats。 The FRS registration can be used in court and the value is in the date of the registration.A format registration is not the same as trademark registration。

  In case of a possible infringement you need to prove that the formats show critical resemblance。 FRAPA can provide a Format Analysis Report in which it analyzes the differences and resemblances of the two formats。 

  Once you register  your format you receive a unique number and certificate。 If you think your format has been infringed you always need to proof that your registered your format prior to your opponent。 That is the first step。 

  We also provide Analysis。 This is our FRAPA ANALYSIS SERVICE。 We compare the two episodes of the two formats according to a methodology。

  All the information I provide can refer to the website www.frapa.org。

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