关琦与欧时力设计总监SANDY 点击此处查看其它图片
求学于香港时装设计学院,在意大利、法国等地游学多年深受欧洲服饰文化设计理念熏陶。现任广东服装协会常任理事,欧时力(香港)集团实业有限公司中国市场部设计总监。曾经担任多国大使夫人的形象设计,负责其公众场合服装的设计工作。多次担任新丝路模特大赛总决赛服装设计师;2002年携欧时力品牌参展CHIC,推出的设计被CNN、CCTV报道称其引发“年度性的时尚风范”;被邀请担任第53届世界小姐大赛中国总决赛服装设计师和第53届MISS CHINA全程形象设计师;同期又深得历届
MISS CHINA的青睐,聘请其担任指定专业形象顾问;在博鳌亚洲年度论坛期间,作为中国设计师代表出席名为“亚洲民族风情秀”的时装表演。
The Introduction of Li Shanhu Studied at HongKong Apparel Design Academy and deeply influenced by the European apparel design idea when traveling in Italy , France and so on. She is currently as the permanent member of Guangdong Apparel Association and the Art Director of Ochirly (Hong Kong)sgroups. Ms. Li was in charge of designing work for ambassadresses of many counties and the general designer of NSR Model Competition; during 2002, her work was been reported by CNN, CCTV as“the annual model for fashion”in CHIC. Ms. Li was been invited to be the general designer for the 53rd Miss World Competition , China Final and the professional consultant for Miss China; And as the Chinese designer attend the BoAo Forum for Asia to participate in the“Show of Asian Cultural Garment”.