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《美国偶像》四强表演 猫王夜男选手占优(附图)

http://ent.sina.com.cn 2006年05月10日09:45 新浪娱乐

Elliott rocked the house down with Elvis songs

  新浪娱乐讯 美FOX台本季《美国偶像》四强表演北京时间今早播出,本周选手们演唱的歌曲主题为“猫王 Elvis Presley的歌曲”。本季比赛至今,剩下的三男一女四位实力唱将中,似乎只有上一周名列bottom 2的Elliott人气较弱,但今早表演中,Elliott Yamin两首歌曲都发挥出色,连一向苛刻的裁判Simon Cowell也称,“You [Elliott] deserve to go through to the next round”。

  当晚表演Taylor Hicks的第一首歌是“Jailhouse Rock”。Randy Jackson说,“You are in your element now.”Paula认为Taylor棒极了,“You were phenomenal!”Simon Cowell未被取悦,“In the real world that was a terrible impersonation of Elvis Presley……”主持人Ryan抓住机会调侃了Simon,“Simon, have you ever lived in the real world?”

  Taylor的第二首歌是“In the Ghetto”。Randy认为Taylor这一次表现得好多了,“The right key for you finally, the right song for you finally!”Paula依然赞不绝口,“This brings it to show how well rounded of an artist you are!”这一次,Simon Cowell终于点头称赞,“Taylor, what you have just done, you have just sung your way into the semi-finals young man!”

  Chris Daughtry的第一首歌是“Suspicious Minds”。Randy觉得还行,“It was nice. I don't know if it was your best vocal performance for me.”Paula Abdul情绪高涨,“See you in the finals!”Simon Cowell顾左右而言其他,“Sunglasses aside, that worked.”

  Chris的第二首歌是“A Little Less Conversation”。Randy Jackson很激动,“That was hot!”Paula Abdul“无言以对”,“There's nothing else I can say, I adore you!”相比之下,Simon Cowell的评语可就苛刻多了,“Up until the end, it was quite a flat performance actually……”

  Elliott Yamin上台表演,带来的第一首歌是“If I Can Dream”。Randy赞不绝口,“You laid it out, that was hot!”Paula认为这是Elliott本季比赛以来最好的表演,“I got to tell you, I think this is the best vocal performance you've done this entire season!”这一次,Simon Cowell同意了前两位的说法,“That was the best performance so far……”

  Elliott的第二首歌是“Trouble”。Randy Jackosn认为这一次,才是Elliott最好的表演,“I think personally that was your best performance ever!”在Paula眼中,Elliott再次超越了自己,“I think this was your best performance ever in this competition!”Simon Cowell语重心长,“Elliott, I've got to hand it to you tonight. You've come out fighting. You're showing personality. You know what, you deserve to go through to the next round……”

  四强中唯一的女选手Katharine McPhee带来的第一个表演是歌曲“Hound Dog”与“All Shook Up”的混编。Randy Jackson对衔接处Katharine忘词提出了小小的质疑,“What happened in the middle I might say?”Paula Abdul安慰Katharine,“It was really fun seeing you dance up there……”Simon Cowell直言不讳,“It looked like a desperate manic audition!”

  Katharine演唱的第二首歌是“Can't Help Falling In Love”。Randy认为这一首比上一首好,“It was definitely better than the other one I thought.”Paula的评价永远是正面的,“You have a lovely voice……”Simon Cowell认为Katharine表演得有些过头,他给出的评语,含蓄尖锐——“What I wanted was apple pie on it's own, instead I've got apple pie and a gallon of cream on top……”

  至此,本季《American Idol》四强表演结束,明早,谁会被淘汰?还是之前大家都默认的Elliott吗?会是今早演唱猫王歌曲的唯一一位女选手Katharine吗?Taylor和Chris真的就那么“坚不可摧”吗?本周bottom 2到底会哪两位?所有答案,都等北京时间明早结果出炉。 chenxin827/文



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