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http://ent.sina.com.cn 2005年07月01日16:30 新浪娱乐




  Chen Lin

  Chen Lin began learning music at a very young age. At the age of thirteen, she won first prize in The Hei Long Jiang province Youth Piano competition. When she was 15, she was accepted into the Central Conservatory of Music Middle School as a student of composition. In 1996, she transferred to the Conducting department, studying as an undergraduate under the renown conductor, Prof. Yu Feng. In 2001 due to her excellent performance abilities, she was recommended for graduate studies without taking any examinations. After she graduated with honors in 2004, she began working as a conducting teacher in the Central Conservatory of Music.

  Chen Lin has worked with many orchestras such as China Youth Symphony Orchestra, Shen Zhen Symphony Orchestra and many other well-known orchestras in China. Along with her success holding concerts with these renown orchestras, she is also a three time finalist in Besacon Conducting Competitions.

  Since 1999, Chen Lin was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to work with Maestro Seiji Ozawa. Under his recommendation, she had participated in the Tangle wood Music Festival, and held many concerts with the TMC orchestra. During the years 2003 and 2004, she worked side by side as the assistant conductor for Maestro Seiji Ozawa, where she participated in the rehearsals and performance of and .

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