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学生Michelle Ubels简介(附图)

http://ent.sina.com.cn 2005年07月01日17:08 新浪娱乐


  米歇尔·阿布莱斯 Michelle Ubels 小提琴


  Michelle Ubels (violin) began violin studies at the age of six. She has been concertmasters of numerous orchestras. At fourteen, she toured Europe with the National Youth Symphony Orchestra and got many awards and scholarships in violin competitions. She began studies from Kurt Sassmannshaus at the Aspen Music Festival and School at the age of 17. She is currently pursuing her Bachelor of Music in Violin Performance at the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, where she got the scholarship. Teaching violin as a member of the Preparatory Department Faculty at CCM since the age of 19, she is the current director of the Starling Kids Program..

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