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http://ent.sina.com.cn 2005年07月01日18:10 新浪娱乐


  毕业于中国武汉音乐学院预科班,师从高艺(Gaoyi)教授,并在高级音乐讲习班跟随世界著名教授林耀基(Lin yaoji)学习。在武汉学习期间,她曾在武汉音乐学院举办的小提琴比赛中获奖。于2002年来美,并在Starling比赛中赢得头等奖学金。在2003年和2004年,她曾以独奏演员的身份与辛辛那提音乐学院的斯塔林管弦乐队在科贝特(Corbett)礼堂合作演出。目前,赵婉是辛辛那提音乐学院的一名学生,师从科特·萨斯曼思豪斯教授(Kurt Sassmanshaus),并在高级音乐讲习班学习,师从于林踌亮(Cho-liang Lin)。

  graduated from the pre-college of Wuhan Conservatory in Chinawhere she studied with professor Gaoyi, and master class with the world renowned professor Lin yaoji. During her study in Wuhan, she won the Wuhan Conservatory Violin Competition. In 2002 she came to the United Sates and won the first prize in the Starling Scholarship Competition. She has been as a soloist with the Starling Orchestra at College-Conservatory of Cincinnati performed at Corbett Auditorium in 2003 and 2004. Currently Zhao is a student of Kurt Sassmanshaus at University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music and master class student of Cho-liang Lin

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