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经典唱片:《The Very Best of Erich Kunzel》

http://ent.sina.com.cn 2005年08月22日17:17 新浪娱乐


  ●专辑名:《The Very Best of Erich Kunzel TOP20》


  ●唱片编号:TELARC STEREO CD-80401

  ●录音制式:DDD STEREO



  1. Sounds of the West

  2. Strauss: Introduction to Also Sprach Zarathustra / Goldsmith: Main Theme from Star Trek (The Motion Picture)

  3. Prima (arr. Newsom): Sing, Sing, Sing

  4. Steiner: Tara's Theme from Gone With the Wind

  5. North (arr. Russ): Unchained Melody

  6. Puccini: "Nessun dorma!" from Turandot

  7. Bach / Stokowski: Little Fugue in G minor

  8. Proto: Introduction / Williams: Main Title from Star Wars

  9. Elfman Batman Theme from Batman

  10. Grofe: Grand Canyon Suite: Cloudburst

  11. Barry (arr. Raine)"": From Russia with Love

  12. Williams: Olympic Fanfare

  13. Opening Sequence from Chiller / Lloyd Webber: Overture to The Phantom of the Opera

  14. Rota (arr. McGurty): Theme from The Godfather

  15. Mancini: Theme from The Pink Panther

  16. Puccini (arr. Bernsein, Kunzel, Beck): O mio babbino caro from Gianni Schicchi

  17. Strauss: Non-Stop Fast Polka, Op. 112

  18. Traditional (arr. Krogstad): Honor, Honor / Do Lord

  19. Cybergenesis (arr. Bishop, Burgess, Letizia) / Fiedel: Terminator Theme

  20. Jurassic Lunch


  这张名为《The Very Best of Erich Kunzel TOP20》的唱片精选了孔泽尔与辛辛纳提通俗管弦乐团合作演出的20首曲目,几乎首首经典。其中包括著名的理查.斯特劳斯《查拉图斯特拉如是说引子》、《星际航程主题曲》、威廉姆斯的《星球大战主题曲》以及84年洛杉矶奥运会主题曲《奥林匹克号角》以及格罗菲的《大峡谷组曲选段》等等。作为展示孔泽尔与辛辛纳提二十余年合作成果的精选唱片,具有非常高的收藏价值。


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