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http://ent.sina.com.cn 2006年06月27日18:03 新浪娱乐

  July 1, 2006

  My heartiest congratulations to the Great Wall International Music Academy for its second season in Beijing, China. The creation of this important international exchange program will enrich our collective artistic heritage by establishing important and substantial cultural relationships, by raising the level of
artistic training for International and Chinese students, and by creating a global forum for artist musicians to share ideas and promote understanding. I am especially pleased to see such an exchange between the West and China, which is quickly becoming a world leader in the field of classical music. I am particularly proud that the University of Cincinnati, its renowned College-Conservatory of Music, and the Starling Project Foundation are partners with our Chinese counterparts – both conservatories, artist teachers, student musicians, and citizens – in this enterprise.

  Great Wall Academy President Kurt Sassmannshaus is a visionary educator with a proven record of success. We are extraordinarily proud to have him as Dorothy Richard Starling Chair of Classical Violin at the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music and are pleased to be an organizer of the Great Wall International Music Academy.


  Douglas Lowry


  University of Cincinnati

  College-Conservatory of Music


长城国际夏令营在中国北京的举办表示忠心的祝贺。这个国际交流项目的诞生可以大大发扬我们艺术团结的传统,在我们之间建立更重要、更坚固的文化联系,提高对各国学生的艺术培训水平,更为艺术家们创造了一个全球化的论坛,他们可以交流思想,加深理解。我非常高兴地看到西方与中国能有这样一个交流的机会,这将成为世界音乐领域里的先驱。 我尤其为辛辛那提大学感到自豪,它有著名的音乐学院及斯塔琳项目基金会,在中国的合作伙伴包括音乐学校,音乐教师,学生,及其它市民。




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