郎朗写给全球琴迷倡议书 望助灾区人民度过难关

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月16日13:56  新浪娱乐



  A few days ago, Sichuan province in China experienced a huge earthquake of 7.8 Richter scale, affecting more than 10 others provinces and cities. Up till this moment, over 14,000 people have lost their lives, and myriads of injured people have lost their homes and beloved ones.


  Knowing this piece of heartrending news, we have been updating ourselves of the situation via the Internet and television. Not only did we experience the quake ourselves, we also feel very hurt inside at the sight of what this incredible natural disaster has done to our people.


  The day after the earthquake, Lang Lang has already written a proposal to his counterparts in the arts performance field, encouraging them to unite and do the best they can to help. As supporters of Lang Lang, no matter which continent we are on, we are one big family, and our hearts are linked together with those of the people affected by the quake. In face of this terrible natural hazard, and with Lang Lang as our role model, we strongly feel that we should take action to help alleviate the catastrophe. In these hard times, we should stretch out our helping hands and unite as one so that we can eliminate the loss of human lives and property. Hence, we have written this proposal:

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