郎朗写给全球琴迷倡议书 望助灾区人民度过难关(2)http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月16日13:56 新浪娱乐
![]() ![]() 琴迷代表和郎朗 为了帮助灾区人民重建家园,表达全球郎朗琴迷对受灾群众的支持以及对罹难同胞的哀悼,号召世界各地琴迷朋友们本着自愿、量力而行的原则向受灾地区踊跃捐款。 In order to help the people of Sichuan to rebuild their homes, showing how supporters of Lang Lang also support our counterparts in Sichuan, we encourage fans from all across the globe to act enthusiastically in donation and voluntary work according to one’s ability. 同时,在这里我们也代表世界各地的郎朗琴迷们向身处灾区的琴迷朋友们发出问候:你们的安危时刻是我们大家庭关注的焦点,为表示郎朗及全球琴迷对四川灾区人民,尤其古典音乐爱好者的慰问,郎朗古典音乐(全球)俱乐部决定捐赠郎朗亲笔签名的自传书籍给你们,希望你们平安、镇静,鼓励你们坚强、振作,在保护好自己的同时,尽力帮助周围的人们。请你们记住:全世界郎朗琴迷无时无刻都是和你们在一起的! At the same time, we hereby represent Lang Lang fans across the world to give our warmest regards to those children/music lovers who are in the earthquake-affected areas: Your safety and wellbeing has become a huge focus in our family. We hope you are all well. Lang Lang Classical Club International will be sending copies of Lang Lang’s new autobiography with his autograph to you. We hope that in this adversity, you would be able to stay strong, so that while you protect yourself from being hurt, you will be granted with the strength to help those around you. Please keep this in mind: Lang Lang supporters from all around the world are with you! 全球的郎朗琴迷朋友们,让我们行动起来,向灾区人民伸出援手、奉献爱心!灾难不只属于那些受灾的人民群众,它是我们所有人的,我们愿与灾区人民一道共同承担!我们相信,捐出的绝不仅是一点金钱,它更是让灾难望而却步的“爱的奉献”!我们坚信,有了大家共同谱写的这部爱的协奏曲,灾区人民将很快度过难关! Fans and friends from every corner of the earth, let us take action to show our love and care now! Natural disasters are not only disasters on the affected people, It is a huge disaster on all humankind. We wish to take this as our common burden! We believe what we can give is not only a little bit of money, but disaster’s greatest opponent – Love! We strongly believe that with our concerted efforts, we will be able to compose a concerto of love, and we will be able to overcome this dilemma very soon!
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