

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年01月07日20:09  新浪娱乐


  China’s Yunnan, Xinjiang, Tibet, Inner Mongolia and Qinghai are having little contacts with the outside world in comparison to other areas of China. Consequently, the economic development and the educational level of these provinces are relatively low.

  Prior to the launch of this initiative, Dadawa and her team were considering the following questions: How do we preserve the precious musical culture that is endangered? How can we enhance this historical tradition and increase its visibility globally? How can we publicize this traditional ethnic music to a wider audience? Which methods can be used for the local economy in the six provinces to benefit, using cultural revitalization as an approach?

  Supported by UNDP and in collaboration with the Red Creation Media Ltd., Dadawa launched the “preservation and revival of ethnic music in China” Goodwill Action, designed to engage and cooperate with internationally well established first-class musicians and artists to collect, protect, and revitalize these precious music treasure. This initiative aims to increase the visibility and awareness worldwide for these six areas in China. Moreover, the objective is to create new tourism images and expand future collaboration in the cultural field, as well as in the field of education, economy, science and talents, in order to reach the long term goal –promoting a healthy and sustainable regional economic growth and development.

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