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试听:迈克尔-波顿《In The Arms of Love》

http://ent.sina.com.cn 2005年10月28日16:24 新浪娱乐
歌名 歌手 试听/欣赏
 试听:迈克尔-波顿《InTheArmsofLove》 In The Arms of Love 迈克尔·波顿 试听:迈克尔-波顿《InTheArmsofLove》


  I see your face and feel your heartache

  I see the trace of the tears you have cried

  The silent sound of the heart left unspoken

  You were strong enough to hide

  All your life, no one's ever shown you

  What it's really like to have someone to hold you


  In the arms of love, heaven's just a heartbeat away

  I'll be your light in the dark, your shield from the storm

  Your shelter from the rain

  And in the arms of love I'll lift you above all the madness

  All of the pain

  And you'll be safe and warm here in the arms of love

  We search this world for a little compassion

  For just one look through the eyes of a child

  For one more chance to be a believer

  While there's still a chance in time

  All your life no one there beside you

  Close your eyes and let this moment find you


  High above the world where dreams are sailing

  Far beyond the brightest shinin' star

  Where everything you've waited for is waiting


  I'll keep you far from harm here in the arms of love



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