在线试听:Sting《Can She Excuse My Wrongs》 2007年01月26日15:59 新浪音乐
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  Can she excuse my wrongs with Virtue's cloak?

  Shall I call her good when she proves unkind?

  Are those clear fires which vanish into smoke?

  Must I praise the leaves where no fruit I find?

  No, no, where shadows do for bodies stand

  Thou may'st be abus'd if thy sight be dimmed

  Cold love is like to words written on sand

  Or to bubbles which on the water swim

  Wilt thou be thus abused still

  Seeing that she will right thee never?

  If thou cans't not o'ercome her will

  Thy love will be thus fruitless ever

  Wilt thou be thus abused still

  Seeing that she will right thee never?

  If thou cans't not o'ercome her will

  Thy love will be thus fruitless ever

  Was I so base, that I might not aspire

  Unto those high joys which she holds from me?

  As they are high, so high is my desire

  If she this deny, what can granted be?

  If she will yield to that which Reason is

  It is Reason's will that Love should be just

  Dear, make me happy still by granting this

  Or cut off delays if that I die must

  Better a thousand times to die

  Than for to live thus still tormented

  Dear, but remember it was I

  Who for thy sake did die contented

  Better a thousand times to die

  Than for to live thus still tormented

  Dear, but remember it was I

  Who for thy sake did die contented

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