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http://ent.sina.com.cn 2005年09月05日17:40 新浪娱乐







  Synopsis In the early 40s Shanghai, Bai Lisu, a divorcee, is staying with her own family. Yet it is a place of gossip and she is desperate to escape.

  Mrs. Xu, the matchmaker, arranges for Bai’s sister to have a blind date with Fan Liuyuan, a playboy just back from overseas. Bai accompanies her sister to meet Fan but it truns out that fan falls for bai. After their first encounter, Fan asks Mrs. Xu to invite Bai to come to Hong Kong ot meet him. Bai agrees right away, ignoring all the gossip about her.

  The Repulse Bay Hotel becomes a place for tug-of-war between Fan and Bai. They get along well one day but then are at odds on another. He is being kind not only to her but also other women.

  Bai knows that if this tug-of-war lingers on,, she may lose the battle completely. She decides to return to Shanghai. Not long after, Fan waits for Bai to arrive at the pier in Hong Kong. He gives her a “home” but she still does not get the “status” of being married.

  When the Japanese troops are bombing the Hong Kong Island, Bai and Fan are separated. When Fan rushes back to the house and finds Bai waiting for him there, they then know that treasure each other so much. Fan then proposes to Bai and They plan to get married right after the war is over.

  Many years later, at the Bai’s house in Shanghai…



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