影音娱乐 新浪首页 > 影音娱乐 > 戏剧 > 第三届全国少数民族文艺会演专题 >正文

第三届全国少数民族会演 畲水高山一样亲主创英

http://ent.sina.com.cn 2006年09月11日15:01 新浪娱乐

  General director: Yang Xinsheng

  The national second-grade director

  General copywriter: Yan Tingshou

  The national first-grade playwright

  Music supervisor: Wang Xiuyi

  The national first-grade composer

  Stage construction supervisor and Lighting designer: Chen Jiankang

  The national first-grade stage construction designer

  Dance supervisor: Lai Qifeng

  The national third-grade actor

  Stage construction designer: Chen Minzhi

  The national third-grade stage construction designer

  Costume designer: Xie Fang

  The national third-grade stage construction designer

  Directors: Yang Yiqin The national first-grade actor

  Li Jing The national first-grade actor

  Zhu Wensi The national third-grade actor

  Ni Dawen The national second-grade actor

  Ma Xiaoping The national third-grade actor

  Lei Gaoping The national second-grade actor

  (She nationality)

  Lei Shenghui The national third-grade actor

  (She nationality)

  Wang Hong The national third-grade actor

  Zhong Linli The national third-grade actor

  (She nationality)

  Composer of partial music: Lu Rongyu

  Folk-custom director: Wen Huaiping

  The national third-grade director



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