There are neither figures norsymbols, but the method, Du Fu’s method。
Beijing, China
MusicTheatre <Du Fu>
Performedby National Theatre Company of China
The director Zhang Guangtian's"DuFu", is a very neterogeny opus。
What he sprawls on the stage, areDu's poetic images and his own images which would be extended on the basis ofDu's aesthetics. He makes the oral and written language aside, makes the plotaside, instead of non-dramatic elements which might present the meaning of soulagainst daily experience. DuFu is neither a figure nor a symbol, but a methoddrawn lessons from poetic writing in this play. 1300 years ago, people in Tangdynasty got along with the earth by the method, and now, how far does themethod stretch?
When you enter into the theater,you couldn't find the story of DuFu but the experience of DuFu's method。
A means to an end of thisperformance, is non-dramatic, as he says that it is a kind of "Materials'Drama". Things with the old dramatic experience will be dismantled fromhis stage. Here the sound will be restored to be Time and the vision will beback to be Space, furthermore, the actors and actresses will be Actors withoutimitating, who push forward the change of Time and Space。
National Theatre of China
National Theatre of China (NTC),affiliated tothe Ministry of Culture, is a performing art organization with rich creativeresources and brilliant history. The theatre possesses a galaxy of seniorartists, such as Ouyang Yuqian, Liao Chengzhi, Wu Xue, Shu Qiang, Jin Shan andSun Weishi who provided a solid foundation to the Theatre’s development。
Today’s NTC owns the top dramatists and administratorsthroughout China.Because of their prominent talents, the Theatre features in Neo-realism worksand sets up a strong art creation and management team。
Nowadays, the NTC has three modern theatres, including agrand theatre, a small performance venue, and the Vanguard Theatre, suitablefor diversified performances. In addition, the nationwide theatre leaguegathered around Beijingis progressively established, offering a dynamic support to the intensiveperformances under the latest management model。
The open NTC endeavours to be the national top-ranking andworld renowned performance organization by producing more colourful works,having clear aesthetic pursuit and scientific management, inheriting traditionsto open a way for future。
The current President is Mr. Zhou Zhiqiang. Yan Fengqi isthe Secretariat of the NTC’s Party Committee and Vice-president. Wang Xiaoying,Zha Mingzhe and Shi Lifen serve as the Vice-president。
Produced By: National Theater of China & Culture Dissemination ofZhengzhou Co., Ltd
Promotion: International Benevolent Beauty Culture Dissemination of BeijingCo., Ltd
Presidents: Zhou Zhiqiang / Tang Xiaojian
监 制:严凤琦 Superviser: Yan Fengqi
总策划:程韬光 GeneralPlanner: Cheng Taoguang
制作人:李东 王谦 Producers: Li Dong / Wang Qian
编剧/导演:张广天 Playwriter / Director: Zhang Guangtian
作曲:武玮 Composer: Wu Wei
剧中部分插曲作者:李晓珞、云中、盖然 Composers of SomeInterludes: Li Xiaoluo / Yun Zhong / Gai Ran
音响设计:张梓倩 SoundDesigner: Anyal Zhang
舞美设计:王琛 StageDesigner: Wang Chen
Lighting Designer: Ai Ziqing
服装/造型设计:赵艳 Costume Designer &Styling: Zhao Yan
道具设计:那特 Property Designer:Na Te
Assistant Director:Zhang Hanlun
舞台监督:张登宝、陆韵 Stage Manager: ZhangDengbao / Lu Yun
书法:钟海涛 ChineseCalligraphy: Zhong Haitao
制作统筹:老象、陈瞳岩 Co-ordinating of Production: Old Elephant /Chen Tongyan
制作助理:张少博、高彦、蔡昀希、陈佳佳、顾珊珊 Production Assistants: ZhangShaobo / GaoYan /CaiYunxi / ChenJiajia / GuShanshan
演员:戴毓、盖然、刘瀚阳、那特、师松浩、孙文、王亦岩、王优雅、张瀚伦、张鑫凯、张栩纲、郑亚飞、朱修阳(按拼音排列) Actors: Dai Yu /Gai Ran / Liu Hanyang / Na Te / Shi Songhao / Sun Wen / Wang Yiyan / Wang Youya/ Zhang Hanlun / Zhang Xinkai / Zhang Xugang / Zheng Yafei / Zhu Xiuyang
订票电话:64730123 64734567
Chinese and English Dialogue• Chinese and English Subtitles
Time&Date 7:30pm, Nov. 10-11
Venue StudioD6, ShanghaiDramatic Arts Centre (No. 288, Anfu Road )
Prices RMB 150/280
Booking hotline 64730123 64734567