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2012年10月31日15:01  新浪娱乐 微博 评论
讽刺剧《成长》海报 讽刺剧《成长》海报


  2012年The ScotsmanFringe First奖得主

  A Comedy about Productivity

  Winner of The Scotsman Fringe First 2012 Award。





  Satire Theatre < Continuous Growth >

  Performed by Ryhmateatteri




  成立于1967年,是芬兰历史最悠久的独立剧团。该剧团在芬兰首都赫尔辛基的三大演出场所进行演出。由于可以提供超过一千个复合型座位,the Ryhmateatteri目前成为了芬兰最大的非机构性戏剧公司,也是首都地区一个极为重要的文化作品产出者。

  凭借着其组织的灵活精简,以及与芬兰当下最令人关注的剧作家密切交流,the Ryhmateatteri 正把握着时代的脉搏。剧团尤其自豪于对新兴的国内剧作家的弘扬与宣传。

  起初,剧团的推动力来自其演员。一代代顶尖的演员都在剧团工作。剧团运作的目的不在于盈利,而在于去创造宣传其价值观,旨在鼓励个人能够对自己,对世界负起责任。The Ryhmateatteri剧团始终坚信,个人能够创造不同,即便是最微不足道的行为也是非常重要的,并且是有可能改变世界的。


  Andy (Billy Mack, Winner of The Stage's Best Actor Award2009 & 2011) is an automation engineer, husband and father. Andy isbrilliant at his job but unfortunately as a result of his new invention thewhole firm is sold to the Japanese and Andy is fired. Soon aftergovernment-sponsored seminar Andy takes out a bank loan and establishes his ownbusiness. Our hero learns there is a lot of competition in this area andrunning own business is harder than he thought. Suddenly finding himselfhomeless, our hero ends up in a mental hospital. While in the mental hospital,Andy has the brilliant idea to develop: automatic system to take care of thesick and the elderly, which thus saves the government from having to pay forthe care of a rapidly aging population, by eliminating the need for humanworkers.  Our hero's concept proves sosuccessful that the entire global economy experiences never-before-seen growthof such staggering proportions that all the lessons of the recession areforgotten and once again people begin to borrow money like there's no tomorrow。


  Founded in 1967,the Ryhmateatteri (”Group Theatre”) is Finland'soldest independent theatre group. It operates in three performance spaces in Helsinki. With combinedseating for over a thousand spectators, the Ryhmateatteri is by far the largestnon-institutional theatre company in Finland, and a significant culturalproducer in the capital region。

  With its light and flexible organization andexcellent contacts with the most interesting playwrights in Finland today,the Ryhmateatteri has a finger on the pulse of the times. The theatre takesspecial pride in promoting new domestic playwrights。

  From the very beginning, the driving force behind theRyhmateatteri has been its actors. Top actors representing all generations workat the theatre. The Ryhmateatteri is structured as an association whose goal isnot to generate profit, but to create and promote values which encourageindividuals to take responsibility for themselves and for the world. TheRyhmateatteri is committed to the idea that individuals can make a difference,and that even the smallest acts are significant. The Ryhmateatteri firmlybelieves that it is possible to change the world。


  “Continuous Growth是一部写得非常好的剧,它被很好地赋予了时代感并呈现出来。它是一部发人深思的剧,它让人去思考劳动,去思考成功,去思考天道。”






  "Awell-written piece which has been stylishly and stylistically staged,Continuous Growth is a thoughtful play about productivity, prosperity andprovidence. "

  ThePublic Reviews

  "Fabulouslyfunny satire on the absurdity of the global economy - it would be even funnierif it wasn't so near the truth"


  "Thisis funny, intelligent and valuable theatre confronting the human consequencesof Icarus-style banking while schooling us on the difficulties of marketeconomics"


  演员Cast: EsaLeskinen and Sami Keski-Vahala

  翻译Englishtranslation: Nely Keinanen

  改编本Scottishadaptation: Catherine Grosvenor

  导演Director:Aleksis Meaney

  参演In roles: HazelAnn Crawford, Martin Docherty, Simon Macallum, Billy Mack, Sarah McCardie

  音效设计Sound designer:Marko Ahokangas

  服装设计Costumedesigner: Laura Dammert

  平面设计Graphicdesigner: Johannes Wilenius

  摄影Photographer:Eralp Kahyaogly

  全长约85分钟 ,无中场休息/中文字幕

  演出时间:2012.11.15-11.17  19:30



  订票电话:64730123  64734567

  Approx. 85 minutes, no intermission/ Chinese subtitles

  Time&Date 7:30pm, Nov.15-17   

  Venue     Studio D6, Shanghai Dramatic ArtsCentre (No. 288, Anfu Road)        

  Prices    RMB120/280        

  Booking hotline 64730123  64734567

(责编: 葱尾)
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