
2012年10月31日15:05  新浪娱乐 微博
肢体剧《美狄亚的尖叫》海报 肢体剧《美狄亚的尖叫》海报



  Inner World Theatre takes a horizon of Medea's myth as amaterial for a journey into her spiritual landscape

  To tell a story from the perspective of its ending, whenMedea above her magic table all over again looking back on the ruins of herlife asking herself about the blind force and unavoidability of her Destiny。





  Physical Theatre Medea’sScream

  Performed by Inner WorldTheatre




  在《美狄亚的尖叫》中,Sašo和Mojtina Jurcer在剧场中还原未知的领域和古老的原始仪式,以展现这部关于人类生存的作品的独特魅力。


  “内心比外在可见的世界要有趣得多”,导演Sašo Jurcer这样概括道。他与演员Mojtina Jurcer共同在2005年创立了内心世界剧团。





  The myth of Medea’s revenge – the murder of Jason’ schildren she gave birth to – is one of the most tragic stories emanating fromearly European civilisation. Out of love for Jason, Medea the Hecate betraysher father, sisters and homeland; she kills her brother, disgraces her familyname and honour and lives in insecure exile to be ultimately abandoned anddeceived by a man to whom she sacrificed and gave everything possible in thedomain of human existence。

  The authors take the horizon of Medea’s myth as the materialfor a journey into her mental landscape, and tell a story from the perspectiveof her demise. When, at her magic table, Medea looks back at the ruins of herlife and – for the final time – or who knows how many times – embarks on animpossible journey; wondering about the blind necessity of her fate, she takesanother walk through her life to the crossroads where in the geometry oftragedy the elementary force of faith in love ruptures into the force of destruction。

  In Medea’s Scream, Sašo and Mojtina Jurcer restore theatreto the domain of the unknown and hidden, and its nearly forgotten ritual origin– to the mystery of the play of the vertical axes of human existence。

  Inner World Theatre

  “The inside becomesmuch more interesting than that which is visible on the outside,” concludes thedirector Sašo Jurcer, who, together with the actress Mojtina Jurcer,established the Inner World Theatre in 2005.

  Through a seriesof original theatre performances and by transposing the boundaries betweenperformance, physical theatre, contemporary dance and modern opera, they rejectthe mimetic foundations of the western theatre tradition, and on stage evermore intensively pulls down the curtain of a material world by shifting awayfrom the notion of the theatre as the mirror of the world to the theatre as agesture to the world – from the actor’s body on stage to body as a world。

  During researchprocess of “inner world theatre” they developed the theatre system and an actingmethod, which – on the basis of temporal decompression and spatialdecomposition – liberates the actor’s body from the physical confines of theouter and – through the bodily calligraphy of inner mental states – connects itto the dramaturgy of manifestations of human inner motion。

  Today, the InnerWorld Theatre is a moving company, which builds and modifies its performancesthrough intense exploration of the nature of theatrical contact in dialogueswith audiences of various cultures, from Helsinkiand St. Petersburg, to Budapestand Salonica, as well as from Yerevan and Athens, to Alexandria and Chicago. It primarilydeals with the development of the universal language of theatre, and, throughextensive international activities, gradually transforms into the theatre ofthe world。




  “令人最为印象深刻的是象征符号,实际的物体以及被具化的悲伤与痛苦....。.台上只有叙述和唯一的女演员,她用肢体,语言,歌曲还有那令人毛骨悚然的尖叫,诠释着这部古老戏剧中的悲痛。剧中的每一个声音,每一个肢体动作,无一不充斥着痛苦,伤痛与悲情,这些恰恰反应了女演员Mojtina Jurcer的内心世界。

  ---POBJEDA Montenegro

  Jurcer is a director attentive to detail, innovativeand scratchy, full of ideas, a show well packaged that never expire in rhetoricand repetition。”

  PANORAMA Croatia

  “Especially impressive weresymbols, physical objects and materialized tragic and agony …representation andonly one actress, which articulated the whole tragic of this ancient drama withmovements of the body and voices, vocals, screams that caused the hair on skinstand on end. In every voice, every movement there was painfulness, tragic andtragedy that expressed actress Mojtina



  导演Director: SašoJurcer

  演员Cast: Mojtina Jurcer





  订票电话:64730123  64734567

  Approx. 60 mins, no intermission / No Dialogue·No Subtitles

  Time&Date      7:30pm, Nov. 19-21

  Venue          Studio D6, Shanghai Dramatic ArtsCentre (No. 288, Anfu Road)

  Prices         RMB100/280

  Booking hotline 64730123  64734567

(责编: 葱尾)
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