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2012年10月31日15:25  新浪娱乐 微博 评论
木偶剧《白姑娘》海报 木偶剧《白姑娘》海报



  "The bag lady theater”… the lady who gives breath tothe happy and sad, to the white plastic bags… Puppets born from the darkness,transforming with her body in small characters, without words, with silence andmusic, they show us little pieces of their own life and step by step illuminatethe dark stage。”





  Object and Puppettheatre< Bag Lady >

  Performed by BagLady Theatre








  Malgosia Szkandera


  2008年她创作了结合道具和肢体表演的独奏曲“Aralia”。并在意大利锡耶纳"Fino alladel mondo”国际艺术节首演。Malgosia同时也在波兰的"Song ofthe Goat"、巴西里约热内卢的"TáNa Rua"、意大利锡耶纳的“AnneZenour”、美国纽约的“Urban ResearchTheater”等剧团训练和工作。她获得了皇家戏剧学院的形体表演的学位(2004,马德里),和Movement andCreation戏剧学院的文凭(2000,马德里)。从师Jacques Lecoq门下。

  在超过10年的戏剧教学生涯中,她教过的学生包括儿童,青年人和成年人。曾在Schoolof Theatre Workshop Kaleidoscope 等大学执教。组织过巴西、意大利、波兰的多个表演艺术节。过去的三年里,她在塞戈维亚和巴利亚多利德监狱的不同部门教戏剧表演并致力于帮助有智力障碍和身体残疾的囚犯。


  Bag lady is the storyof a lonely woman who plays using the simplest objects to build herown world。

  Alone, with the whole body, exploring the wordlesspoetry of silence, each plastic bag becomes a different character in her hands, and as a gift, will take us todiscover and live differentmoments, all built with white plastic bags。

  "Bag Lady" travels through her past and memories, imbued withtheir own desires and fantasies all of these characters and moments... Adancer who can not dance until she finds her own heart, a gentleman who islooking for his loved woman, and a geisha who uses a simple bamboo cane asa flute or as an instrument of death.

  ...But is she a crazy old-fashioned woman or does she hide a passionatepast...?

  ...Who is "Bag Lady"?

  There are no words on "Bag Lady",only a perfect combination of music, images, songs...and silence。

  Malgosia Szkandera

  Malgosia Szkandera is an actress and performer. Shegrowed in a Polish-Spanish theater family and she was seven years old on herfirst time up on stage. Malgosia's work explores the connections between bodyand object theatre based on her training in physical theatre and puppetmanipulation. In 2006 she founded with Roberto White, (mime and puppeteerco-founder of the Company “La Santa Rodilla”, directed by Hugo Suárez) “Teatro Dos Mundos”Company and together they create the show "Criaturas Particulares"performed in different international festivals, including the InternationalPuppet Festival "Titirimundi" in Segovia, Spain。

  In 2008 she creates and performs the solo piece"Aralia", based on this unique combination of theater objects andphysical theater, and premiered at the International Festival "Fino alladel mondo”,“the actor and his office" in Siena, Italy. Malgosia has alsoworked and trained with "Song of the Goat", Wroclaw, Poland."Tá Na Rua", Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. AnneZenour (Teatro de la Pioggia)Siena, Italyand Urban Research Theater, New York, USA.She has a degree in Physical Theatre (2004, Madrid)from the Royal DramaSchool and a diploma from the TheatreSchool of Movement and Creation (2000, Madrid),run by a disciple of Jacques Lecoq。

  For over ten years she taught drama and movement tochildren, youngsters, university students and adults in the School of Theatre Workshop Kaleidoscope and the Municipal Theatre of Segovia, in the University of Valladolid,and departments of education and international festivals in Brazil, Italyand Poland.During the past three years has taught drama and movement in differentdepartments in the prisons of Segovia and Valladolid, focusing onthe work with mentally and physically disabled prisoners。

  演员Performer:Malgosia Szkandera

  制作人Producer:Ana Szkandera


  演出时间:2012.12.3-12.6 19:30



  订票电话:64730123  64734567

  Approx.45mins, no intermission / NoDialogue· No Subtitles

  Time&Date 7:30pm,Dec.3-6

  Venue  Studio D6, Shanghai Dramatic ArtsCentre (No. 288, Anfu Road) 

  Prices  RMB80/280

  Booking hotline 64730123  64734567

(责编: 葱尾)
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