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2012年10月31日15:27  新浪娱乐 微博 评论
多媒体剧《城市印象》海报 多媒体剧《城市印象》海报


  Every city has its own flavor. Arethose Hong Kong style Cafes in Shanghaitraditional and authentic? Do they have original Hong Kongflavors? July 1st in1997 has called everyone 's attention and do you rememberhow did the city like on that day?

  With well-developed science andtechnologies in this age, traversing becomes easy. We pass through differentcities in different years and different ages, and we find different impressionsof cities.



  演出:香港Theatre Nior剧团、熊源伟戏剧工作室

  HongKong SAR, China

  MultimediaDrama < City Impressions>

  Performedby Theatre Nior, Xiong Yuanwei Theatre Studio




  The person wholeft Hong Kong for many years met his oldflame on the station one day. It is a fortuitous meeting between two lovers. Whenpeople depend on mobile more and more, people is lacking of communication. Whenthe society develop more and more, after the theatre industrialization, are wejust create theatre for making theatre?


  TheatreNoir 于2007年成立。这五年来,香港社会对表演艺术的追求日渐提高,我们亦着力发展戏剧教育,舞台表演及多元化文化活动,以响应社会的需求。

  今年,Theatre Noir重新注册为Theatre Noir Foundation。在艺术、行政、教育范畴的专业人士组成的董事局监管下,以透明、向公众问责的营运模式,计划未来的发展。Theatre Noir亦成为元朗剧院的场地伙伴。场地伙伴计划提供了一个平台及基础,使Theatre Noir在戏剧演出、教育计划、观众拓展、培育人才等工作上,有了一系列明确的安排和方向。








  Theatre Noir was established in2007. For the past five years, we have been working hard on developing dramaeducation programmes, theatrical performances and various cultural events tocater the growing needs from the society for arts and cultural activities。

  Theatre Noir is registered as acharitable organization under the name of Theatre Noir Foundation. Under thesupervision of a board of directors from various professional backgrounds suchas arts, administration, and education, Theatre Noir plans for futuredevelopments that would best serve the interests of the community. Theatre NoirFoundation will operate with a high degree of transparency and be accountableto the public。

  In 2012, Theatre Noir has becomethe Venue Partner of Yuen Long Theatre. The Venue Partnership Scheme gaveTheatre Noir a platform and a basis for us to plan for the development of thecoming 3 years, allowing Theatre Noir to lay down clear plans for theirperformances, education programmes, audience development and nurturing of youngtalents。

  Theatre Noir strive to reach thehighest possible standard in all aspects of our work to make dialogue with thecommunity。

  XiongYuanwei Theatre Workshop

  Foundedin November 2005, Xiong yuanwei Theatre Workshop is presided by famous directorand drama educator Xiong Yuanwei. With its mission statement"breakthrough, diversity, faithfulness and joyfulness", the workshopaims to open up a leading theoretical research, to promote high-standardtheatre creation, to expand International academic view and to fosterhigh-level director elites。

  Sinceits foundation, many famous dramatists from home and abroad have been invitedto give lectures and to hold workshops. Also, Xiong yuanwei Theatre Workshophas subsidized new playwright-directors to create and rehearse dramas and hasrecommend young dramatists to attend international theatre forum andperformance exchanges in Chinaand overseas. Moreover, multi-tiered drama education and relevant teachingactivities have been carried out. Besides these, Xiong's workshop has activelyanticipated in creation and cooperation of drama works in Beijing,Shanghai, Guangzhouand Hong Kong。

  Theresearch subjects promoted by the Workshop include: Modern director study;Original theatricals researches---fieldwork series ; Zhu Duanjun director artresearch; The research and teaching of theatre director major in domestichigher art colleges. Etc。

  "515Drama workshop" and "203 theatre workshop" are two subordinatedproducing institutions for Xiong Yuanwei Workshop's performances. In recentyears, the two subordinated workshops have produced and created many dramawoks,such like drama Dawn1949, experimental Kunqu Opera Samsara. A.D.192.etc。

  艺术总监Artistic Director:熊源伟



  演员Cast:白耀灿、陈桂芬、李正道、David Russell、梁皓贻、符蔓菁、韩笑、李嘉诚


  演出时间:2012.12.8-12.9 14:00/19:30



  订票电话:64730123  64734567


  English, Cantonese, MandarinDialogue• Chinese Subtitles

  Time&Date  2:00pm & 7:30pm, Dec.8-9

  Venue Studio D6, Shanghai Dramatic Arts Centre (No.288, Anfu Road)

  Prices  RMB80/280

  Booking Hotline 64730123  64734567

(责编: 葱尾)
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