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http://ent.sina.com.cn 2005年12月02日08:11 新浪娱乐

  Ann Hu

  Born and raised in Beijing, China, Hu went to the United States to study in 1979.

  Graduating from business school of New York University in 1985 with a ma
jor in international marketing, she became the top profit generator within two years in the U.S. conglomerate Elders.

  After the unusual success in Wall Street, Hu took courses at New York University School of Film, Video & Broadcasting, and subsequently completed her first narrative film, “Dream and Memory”, which generated critical acclaim internationally in 1994. “Shadow Magic” was Hu’s 35mm feature film, and she served as writer, director and producer. The film was a co-production among China, Germany, Japan, Taiwan, and America. The film has won many awards internationally at various film festivals such as Tokyo Film Festival, Toronto Film Festival, Sundance Film Festival, etc., including the Golden Rooster Award as the Best Film in China, and the Audience Award in Taiwan’s Golden Horse Film Festival in Taiwan. “Shadow Magic” was released by Sony Pictures Classic in the United States this spring and received remarkable critical acclaim.

  Hu has been working closely with U.S. and Chinese film studios on her next film projects, which are scheduled to get into productions in 2003, 2004, and 2005 respectively.



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