

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年06月24日22:20  新浪娱乐

  3、The jury panel shall work out independent comments in accordance with different items and produce the official objects of survey after summarization. 

  Article 9 Submission of information for survey  

  The surveyees shall submit three kinds of information to the survey jury:

  1、Complete the registration form of public welfare activities and provide relevant stuffs and certificates。

  2、Submit one piece of two-inch bareheaded and full-faced photo, six pieces of six-inch art and social activity photos and two-minute video data (for medal fabrication, internet release and printing of album)。

  3、Submit a brief biography in English language within 1000 words, with focus on the surveyee’s basic information, art experiences, achievement and awards granted。

  Article 10 Design of appraisal system and selection of indicators

  (1)Theory: On the basis of the actual situations of global performing celebrities, the principle of “pyramid” and the theory of “news hole” shall be adopted to strictly screen the high level and symbolic quality indicators reflecting the performers’ individual brands and index set with continuity;

  (2)Features: It shall be able to reflect the surveyees’ history achievements and updated competences and ensure that the final indicators of appraisal have such characteristics as conciseness, comparability, operability, repeatable verification and continuity. 

  (3)Such four major principles shall be followed: systematicness, justness, operability and orientation。

  Article 11  Survey indicators and modes

  1、Three-level appraisal index system shall be adopted for the satisfaction survey, including five one-level indices, such as moral cultivation, professional attainment, public behavior, social influence and commercial value; nine two-level indices and twenty six three-level indices;

  2、CCSIM (Chinese Celebrities Satisfaction Index Model) with intellectual property exclusively developed by Lansion International Survey Agency is to be adopted for data analysis; 

  3、The survey is to be conducted in forms of the on-line comments, the professional interview, the telephone interview and the intercept interview. The sample weight consists of: on-line comments 15%, professional interview 15%, telephone interview 30% and intercept interview 40%。

  (1)、The on-line comments are to be conducted for Netizens aged between 16 and 65 in form of open survey. Each Netizen can make comments to multiple performers, but only once to one identical performer;

  (2)、The professional interview is mainly to be conducted by interviewing persons in daily contact with the surveyed performers in the performing circle, including the relevant media performer, anchorperson, film producer, crew, camera operator, artist, dress designer, make-up artist, lighting engineer, production engineer, editor and journalist, etc.;

  (3)、Telephone interview mainly involves random survey of audiences in the data bank;

  (4)、Intercept interview mainly includes intercept survey of target audiences aged between 16 and 65。

  4、Focus on the time effectiveness of the index data and combination of accumulative index and annual index, with the annual index to be superior to the accumulative index. Not less than 60% of the index data in survey shall be able to reflect the performer’s situations during survey。

  Article 12  Regions of survey and sample quantities

  1、The regions of survey include: the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Japan, Korea, China mainland, China Hong Kong, China Taiwan, Canada, Australia, Germany, Russia, Egypt, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Singapore, India, New Zealand, Italy and Brazil. 

  2、Sample quantities: The purposes of this proposed survey not only aim at capturing representative statistical data but also conducting high level analysis. Hence, a recovery rate to collect a certain number of samples must be defined. It is recommended that the sample quantities for analysis shall not be less than 800 to 1200 for each performer。

  3、Question formulation: questionnaire and unstructured questions, including implementation by work staffs with survey knowledge and experiences and implementation by trained interviewers。

  Chapter 3 Jury Panel

  Article 13  Components of the jury panel

  1、Directors, scriptwriters, performers, scholars and experts etc. engaged in the areas of film production, music, dancing and fine arts;  

  2、Representatives of foreign institutions in China, representatives of foreign media institutions in China and principals of foreign survey and research agencies;

  3、In the event of review, the actual arrival of the nomination judges shall not be less than 15 and that of the final review judges shall not be less than 70% of the total number of judges。

  4、There shall be one chairman, multiple vice chairmen and one secretary general under the jury panel, who shall form a leading team in charge of the leading activities;

  5、Number of the adjusted judges for each session shall not be more than 30% of the total number of judges。

  Article 14 Qualifications for judges  

  1、Good public image and outstanding contribution and reputation in his/her own line of business;

  2、Ages between 40 and 70 years old, have higher expertise and management competence;

  3、Referral of at least two sitting members of the jury;

  4、Justice, fairness, can bear in mind the overall interest, abide by the rules of survey and maintain the rights and interests and reputation of Huading Award Satisfaction Survey;

  5、The term of office for judges shall be one year for each session and holding of identical positions shall not be more than five consecutive sessions;

  Article 15  Duties of the jury

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