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http://ent.sina.com.cn 2005年08月09日18:15 新浪娱乐


  一、《十月怀胎》(Ten-month Pregnancy)




  This is the first drama series in Chinese TV history that involves the topic of artificial insemination. When art school teacher Xiang, Guo and her fiancéShen, Xi Lun were preparing their marriage, Xiang’s mother Huang, Jing Xi accidentally found out that Shen’s mother Tao, Yu Ying was the woman whom she had been suspecting of having an affair with her husband. Huang, firmly opposed this marriage, but Xiang still went on married Shen, which resulted in the outrageous mother dissociated their family relationship. Because of this big sacrifice of her family relationship, Xiang considered this marriage as a big gamble she couldn’t lose, thereby the life became so oppressive that the relationship was getting worse and worse. Seeing no hope to save this marriage, Xiang had an artificial insemination treatment without telling Shen. The pregnancy made Shen give up the thought of divorce, but Xiang became so lost in misery between love and truth…

  编  剧: 赵晨阳

  导  演: 曹保平

  制  片: 高库

  主要演员: 许亚军 牛莉 何琳 杨童舒 刘丽莉 朱琳

  版权归属: 金榜中视文化传播有限公司

  节目题材: 情感伦理

  节目时长: 22 集

  运作状态: 拍摄过半

  发 行 人: 高库


  二、《天堂绣》(Embroideries of the Heaven)

  节目题材: 悬疑青春偶像

  节目时长: 30 集

  运作状态: 前期筹备

  发 行 人: 高库

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