The play narrates a female intellectual's final awakening after her love affairs. It describes the mind experience of a well-behaved woman's struggle, as well as the conflict between love and lust, feeling and sex. The story has exposed the deep human nature behind asexual marriage.
编 剧: 李红兵
导 演: 万盛华
制 片: 万盛华、杨晓娟
主要演员: 涓子、刘冠军、周一围、孙宁、奚美娟、朱琳、石维坚、徐秀林、牛犇
版权归属: 陕西金河影视文化有限公司、陕西电视台、渭南电视台
节目题材: 现实题材
节目时长: 45 分 *20 集
运作状态: 关机
发 行 人: 杨晓娟
With the background of the form and development of the Republic, staged on the numerous and complicated social life, this play describes the peculiar bumpy life experiences of several Republic's contemporaries during their youth, growth, and maturity periods. It is the play of the educated youth that deserves people's concern.
编 剧: 磐石
导 演: 磐石
制 片: 杨晓娟
主要演员: 连奕名、史兰芽、罗海琼、韩青、阿斯茹、卢誉文
版权归属: 陕西金河影视文化有限公司、渭南电视台
节目题材: 现实题材
节目时长: 45 分 *20 集
运作状态: 正拍
发 行 人: 杨晓娟