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《六人行》影片音乐全攻略 重要歌曲逐个数(二)(3)

http://ent.sina.com.cn 2005年08月17日18:40 DVD影片不完全手册

  歌曲名称:My Love

  演唱者:Paul McCartney and Wings.

  场景三:After the ceremony finished, during the last few shots while Chandler and Monica discussed


  演唱者: The Foo Fighters

  第八季开篇800 In NBC''s commercials, advertising the episodes of season 8,

  场景:What song was playing?

  歌曲名称:Only Time,


  专辑出处:Day Without Rain

  第八季第五集805 The One With Rachel''s Date -

  场景:What song played as Rachel entered the coffee shop and saw Ross with Mona?

  歌曲名称:Closing Time

  演唱者: Semisonic

  第八季第八集808 The One With The Stripper -

  场景:What music played while Monica stripped?

  歌曲名称:Let Me Blow Ya Mind,

  演唱者: Eve (also featuring Gwen Stefani)


  第八季第十三集813 The One Where Chandler Takes a Bath -

  场景:What music played when Chandler was relaxing in the tub?

  歌曲名称:Only Time,


  专辑出处:Day Without Rain

  第八季第二十四集824 The One Where Rachel Has a Baby, part 2 -

  场景一:What music played after Rachel finally gave birth?

  歌曲名称:River of Tears,

  演唱者: Eric Clapton.

  场景二:What music played when Joey found the ring at the end?

  歌曲名称:Sign on the Window,

  演唱者: Bob Dylan

  专辑出处:New Morning

  第九季开篇900 In NBC''s promos for season 9,

  What song was playing?

  歌曲名称:Let My Love Open The Door

  演唱者:Pete Townshend

  歌曲名称:Come Along

  演唱者: Titiyo

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