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http://ent.sina.com.cn 2005年07月01日16:41 新浪娱乐


  当今国际乐坛最活跃的小提琴家之一。东方第一位意大利帕格尼尼小提琴大赛的金奖获得者。他那美妙、激动人心的琴声遍布了美国纽约林肯艺术中心、落杉矶好来坞碗型剧场、加拿大多伦多福特中心、英国伦敦皇家歌剧院、威格莫尔音乐厅、法国巴黎香榭丽舍大剧院、凡尔赛宫路易十四歌剧院、瑞士日内瓦Victoria/index.html' class=akey target=_blank>维多利亚音乐厅、俄罗斯莫斯科音乐大剧院、克林姆林宫大会堂以及日本东京山托利音乐厅等世界著名的演出场所。吕思清以他激情洋溢的演奏以及无可比拟的音乐魅力征服了全世
界近40个国家及地区的观众,被西方媒体盛赞为 “一个伟大的天才;一个无与伦比的小提琴家”。



  作为被美国斯特拉迪瓦里名琴协会资助之一的中国小提琴家吕思清,于1999年9月参与策划了中国第一个世界名琴音乐会——“中秋赏月——世界名家名琴名曲音乐会 ”,一举成功。五把被称作人类文明瑰宝的意大利名琴首次亮相中国,吕思清在音乐会中轮流演奏。2001年11月,吕思清又参与策划了“吕思清——世界名家名琴名曲中、美巡演”,又一次获得巨大成功。2002年9月,第三届“世界名家名琴名曲音乐会”在北京及青岛举办,现场的演出气氛热烈非常。吕思清并受邀携五把名琴赴中南海为江泽民,胡锦涛等党和国家领导人演出。如今;“名家名琴名曲”已经成为了一个知名的文化品牌。

  为了表彰吕思清在国际乐坛的杰出表现,美国旧金山市及新泽西州分别于2001年11月及2002年6月授予吕思清旧金山市荣誉证书及新泽西州杰出亚裔艺术成就奖;世界著名品牌“万宝龙”于2002年9月授予吕思清2002万宝龙卓越艺术大奖。而“中国青年”则推崇吕思清为“影响21世纪中国的100个青年人物”之一 。




  Siqing Lu

  One of the most active young violinists today, Siqing Lu is the first Asian violinist to win the first prize at the prestigious Paganini International Violin Competition in Italy in 1987. Hailed by Strad as “an outstanding talent”, Siqing (pronounced See-Ching) is acknowledged one of the most outstanding Chinese violinists of his generation. He has performed to acclaim in more than thirty countries throughout North and South America, Europe, Asia, including concerts at Avery Fisher Hall, 92nd Street Y, New York; Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles; Ford Center, Toronto; Royal Opera House, Wigmore Hall, London; Theatre Des Champs Elysees, Louis XIV Opera House at Palace of Versailles, Paris; Victoria Hall, Geneva; Great Hall, Kremlin Palace, Moscow; Suntory Hall, Tokyo; Great Hall of People, Beijing; Hong Kong Cultural Center, Hong Kong; National Concert Hall, Taiwan.

  Siqing Lu has appeared as featured soloist with such orchestras as the Royal Philharmonic, Halle Orchestra, Guildford Philharmonic, Bilbao Symphony, Bern Symphony, Stavanger Symphony, Paris Sinforniatta, Aspen Chamber Symphony, Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra, Los Angeles Bowl Orchestra, Tucson Symphony, Washington Symphony, Toronto Camerate, Vancouver Symphony, Russia National Orchestra, Russia Philharmonic Orchestra, Yomiuri Nippon Symphony, Kyushu Symphony and the National Symphony Orchestra of Taiwan, among others. He has headlined festival concerts at Ascona, Aspen, Beijing, Bangkok, Curacao, Geneva, Hong Kong, Imperia, Kyushu, Ludwig burger, Macao, Montreux-Vevey, Nanjing, Qingdao, Ravinia, Savolinna, Shanghai, Spain and Taipei.

  As the most celebrated and well-known violinist of his native land, Siqing Lu has appeared with all the major orchestras in China. In June 1996, Mr. Lu became the first Chinese instrumentalist to present a personal music week, “Siqing Lu Music Week”, during which—in four concerts—he performed seven concertos and several virtuoso pieces. Mr. Jiang Ze-min, the former President of China, has attended several of Siqing’s concerts during the past few years.

  Siqing Lu records for HNH and Naxos International. His most recent release, Sarasate’s “Violin Showpieces” with the Bilbao Symphony Orchestra was a huge success. His recording of the Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons” with the Toronto Camerata, in which Siqing played on six exquisite violins by Stradivari, Guarneri del Gesu and Nicolo Amati, received brilliant reviews: “ A+, ------a CD without an equal.” He has made four recordings of the most famous Chinese violin work, “Butterfly Lovers” violin concerto. His interpretation has been widely considered the best among more than 40 available recordings of this work, and has sold well over a million copies worldwide. Mr. Lu’s 1997 release, Traumerei-Romantic Violin Favorites, with pianist Robert Koenig, was awarded CD of the month by All Music Magazine and China Times in Taiwan and was voted among the best 100 CDs of 1997 by Sound Symposium. Siqing has also made more than dozen CD and video recordings for several other labels in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong in the past. His performances have been carried on China’s national television-CCTV, Radio Canada, Radio Bern, New York’s WQXR and Sinovision, Chicago’s WFMT, Boston’s WGBH, Germany’s WDR, Japan’s NTV, Hong Kong’s Phoenix TV, ATV and many other TV and radio stations throughout China and other parts of the world.

  As the first Chinese violinist to be sponsored by the Stradivari Society of Chicago, Siqing has worked very closely with the Society to promote music exchanges between the U.S. and China. In 1999, Siqing and the Stradivari Society presented the “Music under the Moonlight” concert in Beijing, during which Siqing played on five magnificent Stradivari, Guarneri del Gesu and Nicolo Amati violins. The first ever concert of its’ kind in China was a huge success, drawing major media coverage and captured the imaginations of classic music fans all over China. During the past five years, Siqing has presented concert tours in Beijing, Shanghai, Qingdao, Guangzhou, Xiamen, Hong Kong, New York, Chicago and San Francisco with close to 20 violins made by Stradivari, Guarneri del Gesu and Nicolo Amati to overwhelming success. In 2002, Siqing, together with five magnificent Italian violins, was invited by President Jiang Zemin to Zhong Nan Hai to give a special performance for the Chinese senior leadership that included the current President of China, Mr. Hu Jintao.

  Siqing Lu was born in 1969 in Qingdao, China and began violin study at four. As an eight-year-old, he was accepted by the Central Conservatory of Music as a special student--the youngest student ever accepted at the famed institution--and studied with Prof. Zhenshan Wang. At 11, Lord Yehudi Menuhin chose Siqing to study at his school in London. In 1984 he returned to China for advanced studies at the Conservatory in Beijing, and, five years later, he studied with Dorothy DeLay and Hyo Kang at the Juilliard School. In addition to the Paganini First Prize, Siqing Lu has won numerous international competitions including those in Beijing, England, and the U.S. Mr. Lu uses a 1742 “Wieniawski” Guarneri del Gesu violin, which is generously loaned to him by the Stradivari Society in Chicago.

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